Yufeng looks at her daughter-in-law with a small, aggrieved look. She has a pitiful expression on her beautiful face, which would have hurt ordinary people for a long time. However, meiruolin has been immune to this expression for a long time, and she doesn't believe that it's true.

"How can you do that to me, daughter-in-law?"

Meiruolin reached out and touched Yufeng's head: "lovely."

Yu Feng's face is black. He looks at his daughter-in-law and says, "daughter-in-law, are you touching the pet's head?"

Merlin nodded. "Yeah, you know that?"

"What do you think of us having a little monkey?" Yu Feng suddenly looks at Mei Ruolin.

Meiruolin looked at him calmly: "if you can bring it by yourself, then I will be born." She doesn't like children very much, and there is no way to take them well. If this man can take them well, then she really doesn't mind giving him one.

Yu Feng's head turned black and shook his head decisively: "let's forget it. The world of the two is also very good." He was afraid that one of the fragile things would be strangled.

Ning Mengyao looked at them speechless: "I have nothing to say to you."

"No way. We can't take care of the children." Meiruolin spread out her hands and said helplessly.

Those older children are OK, but those who have just been born can't watch the kitten grow bigger and the bones are still fragile. They are really worried that one carelessly breaks the child.

"The child is very lovely."

"It's the devil." Said Yu Feng, biting his teeth.

Mei Ruolin nodded, and the two of them were just following each other.

"Come on, don't argue with you. I think the child is very good. It's a gift from heaven." Ningmengyao reached out to touch her belly, with a happy smile on her face.

Looking at ningmengyao like this, Yufeng turns to look at Qiao Tianchang: "do you like children, too?"

"Like, with children, the family is complete. In fact, children are not as terrible as you think." Qiao Tianchang, like Ning Mengyao, is looking forward to the birth of their child, just as she said that the child is a gift from heaven.

Looking at the two Yufeng said that he didn't understand. However, when Ning Mengyao's little bun was born, he wanted to have a baby. Of course, that's all later.

"Sister Mei, you are just here. Qingshuang is getting married." It suddenly occurred to ningmengyao.

The crowd picked up their eyebrows unexpectedly: "that girl is going to get married? With whom? "

"Nanyu, Tianchang's brother, is very nice." Ning Mengyao said with a smile.

Nanyu? The two people's brain thought of the person who played Gu Chong, and they wondered: "are you sure Qingshuang can get along with him? She won't be afraid? "

Thinking of Qingshuang chatting with Nanyu about insects and insects, Ning Mengyao said that she really didn't see where Qingshuang was afraid.


"In that line, let's also prepare some gifts for Qingshuang." Said pulling the wind and went out.

After they left, they all left to prepare some dowry for Qingshuang.

Ning Mengyao looks at the people who left. They are speechless. What are they so anxious about? It's still early.

Looking at Qiao Tianchang: "what are they doing here?" Why did Hula come down and fly away again.

"Do you mind if they are hungry?" Qiao Tianchang had a faint smile on his face and put his hand on Ning Mengyao's stomach.

"A little." Ningmengyao reached out and rubbed her belly, her eyes watery looking at Qiao Tianchang.

"I'll cook for you later." He got up and went to the kitchen.

Ningmengyao is also a restless man. He asked people to bring the cloth they bought for their children and began to make their children's underwear, quilts, shoes, etc.

At the time when she was born, Ning Mengyao made a pair of very cute little shoes.

Take that pair of shoes, Ning Mengyao mouth with a thick smile: "what do you think?"

"How lovely." It's just a pair of single shoes in summer. If you change them into winter shoes and sew them with white rabbit hair, they must be very warm.

Ningmengyao began to sew small belly pockets for children.