When Qiao Tianchang came out with the soup, he saw that Ning Mengyao had a pair of lovely shoes on her hand and half of her small belly pockets in her hand.

"Don't be busy." Put the food in her hand on the stone table, and Qiao Tianchang reached out to take away her belly pocket.

Ning Mengyao smiled and began to drink soup with her eyes narrowed. She was enjoying it very much.

"Tianchang, do you look good?"

"Nice and lovely." Looking at the small pocket on the hand, on the red cloth, embroidered with a cute little pig, it will make people like it at a glance.

"I want to prepare a lot of things for my baby," said Ning Mengyao as she drank

"Don't let yourself be too tired." Qiao Tianchang put his pocket in the embroidered basket on the edge, looked at him and told him softly.

Ning Mengyao nodded fiercely: "yes, I know."

As they chatted, they finally thought of the child's name.

"Name, how about the boy named Qiao moshang?" Joe Tianchang hopes that his children will never be hurt, happy every day, and happy to live.

Ning Mengyao thought, nodded and agreed: "well, if it's a daughter, it's called Yumo."

"Qiao Yumo? Nice name. " Qiao Tianchang also likes the name.

After eating the stew in her hand, Ning Mengyao looked at Qiao Tianchang with bright eyes: "shall we go out after three months?"


"Not far away, just near the capital, OK?" Ning Mengyao looks at Qiao Tianchang.

In that way, there is no way to refuse it. Qiao Tianchang is even more so: "well, I know there is a flower city a day away from the capital. Let's go and have a look at it then."

Ningmengyao's eyes brightened when he thought of the flower city: "really, I've heard about the flower city before, but I haven't had a chance to go there. Let's go and have a look. If there are any flowers we like, shall we send them back to Baishan village?"

"Well, it's all up to you."

Ning Mengyao immediately became interested and told Qiao Tianchang what she thought about home.

To have a big garden, there should be a swing, a small pond, water lilies and some small goldfish.

Qiao Tianchang sits quietly beside Ning Mengyao, listening to her views on home. It seems that she is just listening carefully, but in fact, she has written down all these things.

Gradually, Ning Mengyao's voice went down. After a while, he closed his eyes and slept soundly. Seeing her like this, Qiao Tianchang's eyes flashed a thick smile.

He reached out his hand and picked up the man, took him back to the room, sat by the bed and watched her sleeping. He went out after a long time.

"Protect her."

"It's the boss."

Qiao Tianchang left the general's mansion and met Lingluo when he was outside. There was nothing strange about Lingluo's black clothes. But when he saw him, his eyes suddenly turned cold, and there was still obvious distortion inside.

"Joe Tianchang, stop." After Joe Tianchang left Lingluo by mistake, Lingluo couldn't help talking.

Qiao Tianchang turns around and looks at Ling Luo: "what's the matter with master Ling?" Lingluo is no longer the son of the world after the title of Lingwu Marquis has been weakened.

Lingluo looked at Qiao Tianchang with cold eyes: "are you serious about Yao'er? Don't think about it. She's only mine. "

Qiao Tianchang didn't get angry at all. Instead, he smiled, "do you want me to tell you how angry Yao Yao is?"


"She likes children very much. For the first time, because Xiao Zixuan's children are gone, do you think I will let you hurt her again this time? Hurt my child? " Qiao Tianchang enters Lingluo, his eyes are cold.

Lingluo looks at Qiao Tianchang dead, his face is very ugly, is this man showing off in front of himself?

Qiao Tianchang looks at Ling Luo sarcastically: "I don't need to show off. I just want to tell you that you are not qualified to chase Yao Yao. You can do it yourself." Qiao Tianchang is gone. He continues to talk with Ling Luo and turns to leave.

Looking at the figure where Qiao Tianchang left, Lingluo's face was dark. When the people around saw him like this, they were all unconsciously away from him, afraid of provoking the black man.