"What do you mean?" Xiao Yilin's eyes are cold.

"What do you mean? Guess for yourself. "

Such a man, she really don't know how to like it at the beginning, really blind.

"Toast without penalty." Say turn around to leave, just next to Li liner's torture is a higher level.

Since Xiao Yilin came out of the dungeon, he has been thinking about Li liner's conversation. What does he mean? Is there any secret in this?

This idea made Xiao Yilin doubt about this matter: "go to the study to find out who has been there before."

At the same time, Xiao Yilin went to the general's mansion.

When he saw Nangong Yan, Xiao Yilin's face suddenly turned stiff, and his eyes were a little weird.

"What are you doing?"

"What are you doing here?" Nangong Yan looked at Xiao Yilin coldly. He knew how he didn't like Xiao Yilin.

"Of course I'm here for something."

"My daughter and son-in-law are all here. Do I have any questions?" There are also future grandchildren. Why can't he come here?

Seeing Xiao Yilin, he will think of Xiao Chengya, and his anger will be more obvious.

Ningmengyao is angry when she sees nangongyan. She drags people away and gives Qiao Tianchang a look.

"What can I do for you, Lord Xiao?" After Ning Mengyao left, Qiao Tianchang sat on the stone bench and watched Xiao Yilin.

"Do you have any idea about Li lin'er?" Xiao Yilin asked, frowning, as if he was very interested in it.

Qiao Tianchang sneers in his heart, but there is no extra expression on his face: "this is not enough."

"Is it?"

Originally, Xiao Yilin wanted to get information from Qiao Tianchang. Who knew they didn't even know it.

Suspicious looked at Qiao Tianchang, see his eyes firm, no other meaning, immediately put down the doubt in the heart.

"If Lord Xiao comes just for this, he can leave." Qiao Tianchang is not polite at all.

Xiao Yilin looked at Qiao Tianchang and said, "general Qiao is driving me away?"

"Lord Xiao can think that." Qiao Tianchang nodded. He didn't feel embarrassed at all.

Xiao Yilin suddenly stops talking. Is he really so annoying?

"I don't think I can be nice to you after Lord Xiao killed one of my children." Seeing Xiao Yilin's idea, Qiao Tianchang said sarcastically.

Xiao Yilin's expression is stiff. For a long time, he has completely forgotten this matter.

"This matter..."

"Don't say it has nothing to do with you. Who can command the dark Wei of the Lord Xiao's mansion?" Qiao Tianchang looks at Xiao Yilin ironically and blocks all his words back.

Xiao Yilin wants to explain, but finally finds that all languages are useless.

Quietly get up and leave, the lonely back not only did not let Joe Tianchang raise poor thoughts, but also let him feel worthy.

After Xiao Yilin left the general's mansion, he was full of loss and regret. Why did he help Xiao Zixuan to do such a thing.

These things would not have happened if it hadn't been for his poor thinking, and the relationship between them would not have been so bad now.

Xiao Yilin walked on the street and suddenly didn't want to go back to the palace. That place now makes him feel extremely cold. Some things are wrong step by step.

Even if it's regret now, it's too late.

Until it was getting dark, there were fewer people in the street, and Xiao Yilin had no choice but to return to the palace.

Different from the general's house, there are only servants and maids here, but few can really talk.

Thinking of the bustle in the general's mansion, Xiao Yilin regrets more and more.

If it wasn't for that, maybe he could go to the general's office often, too? Anyway, he is Ning Mengyao's uncle.

These thoughts of Xiao Yilin, Ning Mengyao, they don't know at all, but they think that Xiao Yilin is very strange today, which makes them have some vigilance.

"Tianchang, what do you think his purpose is?" Ning Mengyao lies on the bed, some cannot sleep.

"For the secret order."