Ning Mengyao frowned: "secret order?"

"Yes, it's about the fate of the whole xiaowangfu. I'm afraid he didn't get any useful information from lilin'er, so he came to us to find out if we have any clues." He knows more about this matter than Ning Mengyao, so he can also guess some of Xiao Yilin's ideas.

Ning Mengyao frowned and looked at Qiao Tianchang: "then we will let go like this?"

"Well, although it's a little more obvious, they don't think there's anyone coming out from behind." So the people who keep Xiao's mansion are just fishing.

Ning Mengyao nodded thoughtfully: "I see."

"Go to sleep. Don't worry about it. I'll take care of these things." Qiao Tianchang put his hand on Ning Mengyao's eyes and whispered in her ear.

Ning Mengyao drilled into Qiao Tianchang's arms. Although she said that, she was still worried.

Li lin'er's words are like a thorn in Xiao Yilin's heart, which makes him unable to go up and down.

That day, Xiao Yilin was dealing with things in his study. Standing beside him was his leader of the dark guard. Listening to his words, Xiao Yilin frowned: "do you mean Xuaner came back that day?"

"Yes, the princess came back that day, went to the princess's yard, and then went back to her yard, then didn't come out, but when it was getting dark, someone saw the princess, but they thought it was wrong." At that time, Xiao Zixuan had already left in the eyes of others.

"You mean she didn't leave that day but stayed in the palace? Who is the one who left? " Xiao Yilin frowned tightly and her face was very ugly.

"The servant girl of the princess."

Xiao Yilin's body was standing. He sat down on the chair. His face was also iron blue. He looked a little scared.

In spite of this, Xiao Yilin still thinks it is impossible. It may be an accident. He waves people down. Xiao Yilin's eyebrows have been wrinkled and have not been stretched.

Walking back and forth in the study, his face was not only livid, but also worried.

Now the emperor doesn't know about the lost secret order. There is still a chance to find it. Otherwise

Thinking of Xiao Qifeng's means, Xiao Yilin's eyebrows are tightly wrinkled, and his eyes are full of worry.

When Xiao Yilin was in a hurry to get angry, his eyes fell into the corner beside the bookshelf.

His eyes narrowed slightly, and Xiao Yilin went there. He squatted down and picked up the spike in the corner. There was a jade pendant hanging on the spike. There was a small Xuan character in the jade pendant.

Before that, he was able to convince himself that it was all a misunderstanding and had nothing to do with Xiao Zixuan.

But now I found Xiao Zixuan's jade plate in my study. Not only that, this place is still the entrance of the secret room where I locked things.

The eyes gradually became cold, thinking of all the things when the secret order was lost, as well as the traces of clumsiness and carelessness, all of which showed that this was not what lilin'er called it.

She didn't have the time at all. It's funny that he was cheated by such means.

Xiao Yilin holds the jade plate tightly, and his eyes are full of fire. He regards Xiao Zixuan as his own daughter. Even after knowing that she is someone else's daughter, he still protects her. Unexpectedly, Xiao Zixuan rewards him like this. It's so good that he is a white eyed wolf that is not well-trained.

Looking at the secret order in the box in front of him, Xiao Qifeng finally got it with a faint smile on his lips.

Reach out and take out the token in the box. Although it's just a seemingly ordinary token, it's very important for him, because it's the token that can command the most mysterious power of Xiao kingdom. Those people are only subordinated to the people who get the token, no matter who they are.

That power is too strong, which is why he always wants to get this thing.

Maybe they don't know that the token in their hands is fake, right?

"What's the use of this token, brother Huang?" Xiao Qitian has never been interested in these things. He was only curious to see Xiao Qifeng so happy.