Xiao Qifeng put the token in his hand into the box and said in a good mood: "there has always been a mysterious mistake in Xiao kingdom. It was the army built by the founding Princess and strengthened by another princess. No one knows where the army is. Only after getting the token can we know where the team is."

Xiao Qitian doubts, or some do not understand: "this is why?"

"That's the last guarantee of the state of Xiao. This secret order has always been in the hands of the contemporary emperor. It was only taken away by Uncle Wang when I took over the throne at the beginning. Because of this, the state of Xiao has grown a lot and acted arrogantly, but I have no reason to do it." Think of these years of suffocation, Xiao also Lin's eyes are very cold.

Xiao Qitian nodded clearly: "it's because of this, that Lingwu Hou in their hands?"

"It's a fake. It's useless at all. If this thing really comes into their hands, Xiao will be finished."

Xiao Qi's heart nodded with lingering palpitations: "fortunately, we got it ahead of time."

Xiao Qifeng nodded: "yes, it's good to be back in our hands."

"If they find out that the secret order is false, will it affect our plan?" Xiao Qitian suddenly worried.

"as like as two peas, no one knows what the real code is, and the one is exactly the same as this one. No one can tell the truth from the army except the army." That's why he's not worried at all.

Xiao Qitian looks at Xiao Qifeng and doesn't understand his practice: "I'm really only suitable for business." These things are really too complicated.

Xiao Qifeng was stunned, then he laughed: "you."

If it was not for Xiao Qitian's lack of interest in political affairs, he would not have told him all these things, even his most trusted brother.

"Brother Huang, I'll let you handle these matters. I'll try my best to make money and then make the Treasury more abundant." He prefers the pleasure of making money.

"No ambition."

"What has no ambition? My goal is to surpass Mengyao, but this goal may be unrealistic. " Xiao Qitian has no choice but to show his hands.

Ningmengyao is so powerful, he can surpass that unless ningmengyao is willing to give up.

Xiao Qifeng looked at his way of juggling and shook his head jokingly: "well, don't be poor, just know these things."

"I know. Brother Huang, I'll go first to see how Tianchang and their wedding are getting ready. It's about time for their wedding in Nanyu."

"Let's go." Xiao Qifeng did not wave.

Xiao Qitian left the Royal study with a smile. After leaving, he reached out and rubbed his already stiff face. As expected, he was not suitable for such a place.

The marriage between Qingshuang and Nanyu has been put on the agenda gradually over time. Qingshuang is also getting more and more nervous. Nanqi came back two days before the couple married, and also brought back some news from Nanjiang.

Nanqi didn't have time to rest, so he went to find Qiao Tianchang: "the eldest brother is very active in Nanjiang. Since we left Nanjiang, there have been more than ten people in succession in these years, and one of them is equal to the king of Nanjiang."

"Let so many people come out, what does the king of Southern Xinjiang want to do?" Joe whispered.

Nanqi shook his head: "I don't know about it, but I think it's a little strange."

"It's very strange. I'll remind Qifeng about it. Go and have a good rest. Two days later, it's your brother's wedding day. You can't be spiritless."

Nanqihehe smiled and left the study to go back to his room.

When he knew that his brother was going to marry, he fell off the chair directly, but he was very happy that his brother could have his own home.

After South seven leaves, Qiao Tian Chang changes before of relaxed, brow is dead wrinkling.

Apart from that book, where are the other people from southern Xinjiang, and how much does it have to do with the state of Ling?

One by one, doubts came to Joe Tianchang's mind, which made him worried.