Finally, to Xiao Zixuan, it's to take a straw from the camel, and that's how she feels now.

"Father, you can't do this. Don't you like Xuaner? Xuaner knows it's wrong. Don't be angry, will you Xiao Zixuan kept begging for mercy. If she knew that things would be like this, she would not do such things. She was really stupid.

Xiao Yilin kicks Xiao Zixuan away and looks at her dead: "don't you get angry? Are you happy that you want to kill hundreds of people in the palace, Xiao Zixuan

"I didn't, I didn't mean to harm my father." Xiao Zixuan shook her head.

In order to let Xiao Yilin have nothing to do with this matter, she put it all on Li liner. Why does the father want to investigate this matter? If the father does not investigate, then all things will not break out, and she will not sever all relations with the father. Why does this happen?

She knows that Lingluo is good to her. There is another reason, that is, standing behind her is the Lord Xiao's mansion. If even the Lord Xiao's mansion has lost its backer, what else does she have?

Thinking of the future, Xiao Zixuan was full of fear.

If you know that you have no relationship with Prince Xiao's house, will Lingluo, who loves you, treat her as well as she does now?

If this answer is before, Xiao Zixuan will think that Lingluo will be very good to her, but now she is really not sure.

Although she didn't believe it, after she gave the token to Lingluo, Lingluo was not so considerate to her, sometimes even perfunctory.

It's just that she always pretends she doesn't know.

Xiao Zixuan's eyes are full of fear. She can't lose this backer, no matter what.

"Father Wang xuan'er really knows that she is wrong. Would you forgive her this time? Please. " Xiao Zixuan grabs Xiao Yilin's clothes and looks at her imploringly with tears in her eyes.

If Xiao Zixuan had been like this before, he would have been very distressed, but now he just felt disgusted to see her like this.

"I have done my best not to kill you." Xiao Yilin shook off Xiao Zixuan's hand and said coldly.

Because of her strength, Xiao Zixuan was left on the ground.

Looking at Xiao Yilin, her eyes were full of grievances: "why can't you forgive me? I really know it's wrong. "

Xiao Yilin suddenly felt that he had done something wrong. A person like Xiao Zixuan is a selfish white eyed wolf.

"You put a knife on my neck, and you want me to forgive you? Xiao Zixuan, where are you from Xiao Yilin's words are especially cruel, especially for Xiao Zixuan.

Xiao Zixuan was finally driven out by Xiao Yilin. She walked in the street in a daze. Her face was blue and white, and her face was gray. The passers-by gave way in fear of being hit by mildew.

Xiao Zixuan didn't know how she got to Lingwu Houfu. She only knew that she would lock herself in the room and do nothing after she went back. She just thought about how it was exposed.

The next morning, Xiao Zixuan called the rest of her dark guards to check Xiao Yilin's whereabouts these days.

He didn't find it before, and pointed all the spears at lilin'er. Why did he suddenly point the spears at her.

If no one says anything in her ear about it, she really doesn't believe it.

Xiao Zixuan's face was twisted. No matter what, she would not let the person who framed her feel better.

Lingluo knew that Xiao Zixuan had come out of Xiao's mansion in a state of desperation. She just didn't come here in the first time. After all, Xiao Zixuan is useless to him now. For the sake of this matter, he is willing to be better to Xiao Zixuan.

Seeing Ling Luo, Xiao Zixuan finally has more smiles on her face.

However, her smile didn't last long, because Ling Luo's mouth appeared several times the names of other women, especially Ning Mengyao. These three words haunted her like nightmares.

That night, Amway came back and brought back their news.

After watching it, Xiao Zixuan's expression became ferocious: "Ning Mengyao, you are looking for death."