The more Xiao Zixuan thinks about it, the more she thinks about it. It's all because of Ning Mengyao. If it's not for Ning Mengyao, he won't investigate himself.

It must be what they said in front of Xiao Yilin.

The more she thought about it, the more likely Xiao Zixuan felt it was, the more ferocious her face became: "don't let anyone know about this."

"It's the princess."

While Xiao Zixuan was busy with this matter, Ling Luo had some doubts about why Xiao Zixuan came out of the house like that.

Xiao Zixuan sits in front of the dressing table and looks at herself in front of the mirror. Her pretty face no longer exists, but instead is ferocious and terrible.

With a heavy sweep, the mirror fell to the ground and smashed. Ning Mengyao will not let you go this time.

Ning Mengyao, who is in peace of mind, doesn't know that she has been resented by Xiao Zixuan because of Xiao Yilin.

Now Xiao Zixuan and Ling Wuhou have broken off all relations. She wants to make up for it. So when Ling Luo came to her, she said, "what about the token I gave you?"

Ling Luo frowned and turned to look at Xiao Zixuan: "what do you want to do?"

"The father was furious when he found that the token was missing, and he knew it was made by me. He was angry when I went back that day. If you run out, give it to me, and I will take it back to the father." Xiao Zixuan didn't hide too much, but looked at Ling Luo and said seriously.

The expression on Lingluo's face changed because of Xiao Zixuan's words. She looked at Xiao Zixuan dead and said, "what do you mean? Isn't that already given to me? Why take it back now? "

Xiao Zixuan looks at Ling Luo's face turning. That's not what Mingming said before? Why is it now?

"Didn't you say you'd give me the token when you ran out?" Xiao Zixuan said subconsciously.

However, Ling Luo looked at Xiao Zixuan and said, "when did I say that?"

"You You lied to me? "

"Lie to you? How can I cheat you? " Ling Luo looks at Xiao Zixuan and feels no guilt at all.

Xiao Zixuan reached out and pointed at Ling Luo. Her eyes were full of disbelief: "Lingluo, you didn't say that before. What you said before is that you will give it back to me when you are finished. Do you know that father is very angry now?"

"Yes." Ling Luo nodded directly.

"You know you haven't returned it to me?"

"I haven't used it up yet. I'll give it back to you when I use it up." When they find the power, the token will be useless, and then it will be returned to her. But at that time, the useless things will also have her in it.

Xiao Zixuan couldn't believe looking at Ling Luo in front of her: "can't Luo really give it back to her father now?"

Ling Luo looked at Xiao Zixuan like that, and her face suddenly turned. She said softly, "it's not that I don't want it, but that token is really important to me now. Can I give it to you later?"

Xiao Zixuan looked at Ling Luo suspiciously. She was not sure whether he was really saying this. But she could see the gentleness on his face. He believed it subconsciously.

"Then hurry up."


Seeing that Xiao Zixuan is no longer making trouble with this matter, Ling Luo is a little relieved. He is really worried that Xiao Zixuan will poke this matter out. Then they will die in this hand before they start.

After pacifying Xiao Zixuan, Ling Luo felt that Xiao Zixuan had been called back to Xiao's mansion that day. It must have happened not only in this way, but also in other ways.

Back in her study, Ling Luo asked people to speed up their investigation of Xiao Zixuan's visit to the Lord Xiao's residence that day.

During this period, Xiao Zixuan also felt some subtle changes in Lingluo, especially when she went out together. She accidentally saw Lingluo's eyes on Ning Mengyao, which were filled with obsession and hatred. That kind of hatred was to kill Qiao Tianchang.