Hands tightly holding Ling Luo's waist, that son seems to be Ling Luo as a life-saving straw.

Ling Luo looks down at Xiao Zixuan's lips. She is worried. It seems that she has something to hide from herself.

However, Xiao Zixuan, who has been comforted for a while, doesn't know that the man who holds her gently now is already doubting her. She doesn't even know that she will be in such a situation in the future because of this man.

It's night. There is a quiet night in the Lord Xiao's mansion. Only one insect call can be heard occasionally. At this time, a group of black figures appear in the sky of the Lord Xiao's mansion and gallop towards some place.

Xiao Yilin suddenly opened his eyes and quietly got up and went to the place where Li liner was detained.

When I got there, there was a strong smell of blood at the door.

Xiao Yilin's face changed greatly. He hurried in and saw the bodies all the way.

After arriving at the cell where Li liner is being held, there are still people in it.

"Damn it, look."

At the same time, Li liner was rescued and rushed out of the city.

Just out of the city, before they let go, suddenly light came up around them, and then people saw the figure behind the fire.

Xiao Qitian and others are here, including Qiao Tianchang, who should be with Ning Mengyao at the moment.

"After a long time, you are here at last." Xiao Qitian twisted his neck and looked excited.

Lin Ziyou kicks Xiao Qitian away: "don't get in the way here."

"Who are you saying is in the way?"

Qiao Tianchang looked at the two men with cold eyes, and they were very quiet.

I'm not happy that he was picked up in the middle of the night. Don't offend him, or I'll find myself smoking.


When the two sides started to fight, Li lin'er in black suddenly jumped from the ground and killed two people in black in an instant.

Take the sword on the ground and start to fight against the people around you.

Those people in black see this, where there is no clear truth: "withdraw." They fell into the trap set by others, but they didn't know it.

Qiao Tianchang sneers and looks at the person who wants to escape. He takes the bow in his subordinate's hand and sends five arrows together. Those who want to escape become corpses overnight.

"Keep the rest alive and don't let them commit suicide." Qiao Tianchang threw the bow into the hands of the people around him and said coldly.

"It's the general."

Those people in black were originally going to bite their teeth and commit suicide, but when they didn't act, they were taken off their chin and all the poisonous teeth in their mouths were taken out.

"I think it's really well prepared." Looking at the fangs in their hands, we can see that they are highly poisonous. They are really willing to give up.

"Take it back, Qi Tian tells Qi Feng, if you want to examine it by yourself, you should let them use Qingshuang. You should do it by yourself."

When it comes to Qingshuang, Xiao Qitian can't help shivering now. That little girl is too scary. All those strange medicines have been studied.

Qiao Tianchang jumped to the city and went back to the general's mansion. Ning Mengyao was lying on the bed facing inside, sleeping soundly.

The corners of the mouth slightly raised a faint smile, washed away the smell of blood, then went to bed, put out his hand and closed his eyes.

Catching those people in black, Xiao Qifeng wanted to judge by himself, but the final result was not very good, so he planned to leave the people to Qingshuang to start.

As for Xiao Qifeng's decision, Qiao Tianchang was not surprised at all. He directly gave the matter to Qingshuang and his wife.

As for Nanqi, after Nanyu married, he went back to miaojiang again, but this time his task was the same. It was to find out what the purpose of sending those people out of miaojiang was.

In just one day, Qingshuang and qiaotianchang got the news they wanted.

"Qingshuang, you are a woman, can't you be gentle?" Xiao Qitian, who knows how Qingshuang interrogates, shakes his body and looks at Qingshuang's eyes, which is called fear.

Qingshuang blinked and looked at Nanyu beside him: "I'm very scared?"