"No, that's good." Nanyu shook his head. He really didn't think it was scary.

Xiao Qitian's face is stiff. He looks at the two people speechless. There is a kind of An unspeakable sense of harmony.

"I suddenly think you two really match." Xiao Qitian sighed heavily and looked at the two people's expression very complicated.

"Of course," Nanyu said Of course, his daughter-in-law is the best match for him.

Xiao Qitian suddenly felt that after the marriage, the man who had been as cold as the iceberg had become sullen.

"Come on, I won't talk to you about this. What's going on?" Now they want to know more about it. As for those that don't have, let's talk about them later.

Nanyu looked at Xiao Qifeng and said seriously: "these people don't know much about it. They only know that Li lin'er is one of the chess pieces put by the national master in Xiao country, and they don't know how many such chess pieces there are in Xiao country."

"National teacher?" Xiao Qifeng frowned. He didn't remember that there was a national teacher in that country.

"National teacher of Miao." Nan Yu said with a complicated expression.

"Miao national teacher? When did Miao have a national teacher? "

Nanyu also had some doubts. There was no national teacher in Miao area, and when they left, there was no national teacher in Miao area.

"I don't know. Maybe in the past ten years, the Miao area has changed. As for the details, I'm afraid I won't know until Xiaoqi comes back." Nanyu is worried. If this is the case, Nanqi will not know if there is any danger.

Xiao Qifeng nodded: "is there any useful news?"

"Yes, Xiao Chengya, the mother of her sister-in-law, is likely to be in the Miao area." Nanyu said a big news.

"Are you sure?"

"I can be sure that their purpose this time is not only to save lilin'er, but also to let them find something. As for what they don't know, they just remember that it was a close thing to the princess at that time." Nanyu shook his head. He didn't know much about it.

Xiao Qifeng nodded: "after this thing goes back, tell Tianchang them, but let them not be impulsive. What can I do when Xiaoqi returns?"


After saying what can be said, Nanyu and Qingshuang went back to the general's mansion.

"How is it?"

"Get some news, I think it should be good news for my sister-in-law and Regent." Nan Yu looked at Ning Mengyao's father and daughter and said earnestly.

Ningmengyao looked at Nanyu in doubt, some did not understand: "what do you mean?"

"My sister-in-law and aunt are probably in Miao area."

"What do you say?" Ningmengyao did not respond, nangongyan stood up, eyes full of shock.

Nanyu nodded: "this is known from the mouth of the leader of the group of people in black. Nine times out of ten."

With the news of Xiao Chengya, Nangong Yan is very happy, but also very worried, afraid of what harm Xiao Chengya is suffering there and what grievances he has suffered.

"I have to find her."

"Don't worry, father-in-law." Joe was in a hurry to stop people.

"Yes dad, Miao Jiang is the most mysterious place for us. Although Xiaoqi is there, he has just gone there and is unfamiliar with it. I don't know what's going on there, so I think we can go there after Xiaoqi has figured out the terrain and things there." Ningmengyao naturally has its own considerations.

Nanyu and Nanqi have a hatred against Miao. Sooner or later, they will revenge. Since then, they will go to find out everything and find Xiao Chengya, and revenge Nanqi.

"That's what I mean. No one knows what the Miao area is like now, so I'll wait for Xiaoqi to find out and then go back." Nanyu's mouth was cold and his eyes were full of fire.

Seeing such a South Island, the Regent nodded: "well, then we will go together. We will have revenge and complain."

Nanyu opened her mouth and nodded gently at last.

There were only seven people in the south of miaojiang, which worried Qiao Tianchang.

"Well, I'll let someone go there." In the back, Yu Feng, who heard what they said, spoke directly.

"Brother in law..."

"You forget that there are also people who understand Gu insects in tongbaozhai."