Ningmengyao was stunned, and then his eyes were full of ecstasy: "yes, how can I forget my grandpa?"

"Blame grandpa can he go?"

"Don't worry, he will go. The old man is so kind to you. He will go back when he knows your mother is there." Yu Feng nodded in affirmation.

Nanyu listened to the conversation between the two people and said, "strange grandpa?"

"Well, it's strange that Grandpa said that he was a high priest in miaojiang and later left." Ning Mengyao didn't know much about the strange Grandpa. He only knew what kind of feud he had with the king of Miao. As for the rest, it was not clear.

Nanyu shocked, high priest?

"You mean the last high priest?"

"It seems to be the name, but he asked us to call him Grandpa." Ningmengyao gently shook her head. They were not very clear about the strange grandfather's past, and he didn't say it.

She only asked once when she was a child. At that time, Grandpa's face was full of deep hatred and self reproach, which made her never ask again.

I'm afraid that it's a little sad in Grandpa's heart.

"Xiao Yao'er is right. Although he is a little grumpy, he is very good to Xiao Yao. He says that if the child is still alive, he is as old as Xiao Yao'er." Strange grandpa always treats ningmengyao as his daughter.

"That's right, the last high priest." Nanyu sighs.

At the beginning, something happened to the house of the last high priest, but he lost his trace. At that time, they were very young, but they were very fond of the last high priest at that time.

"The last high priest knows more about Miao than the seventh. If there is the last high priest, I will be relieved." Nanyu took a deep breath and said earnestly.

Ningmengyao nodded. It's really convenient to have a strange Grandpa. I just don't know if he would like to go.

"Come on, don't guess. I received a letter from the strange old man before. He said that he had gone to miaojiang. Some things should be understood."

"Then I'll send a message to Xiaoqi, ask him to find grandpa and tell him about Xiaoqi." The two also take care of each other, and she can rest assured.

Yu Feng bent his fingers and knocked Ning Mengyao on the head: "you girl don't think much about it. I've arranged all these things. Please put your heart back in your stomach."

Ningmengyao covers her forehead and stares at Yufeng. Qiao Tianchang slaps it before ningmengyao starts.

Yufeng's mouth slightly drew. He seemed to forget that there was a calf protector here. Didn't he commit a crime against the wind in front of him?

Looking at Yufeng dodging, Qiao Tianchang reached out his hand and rubbed Ning Mengyao's forehead. He saw that it had been knocked red a little bit, and an eye knife flew towards Yufeng.

"It's so delicate. I can't touch it." Yu Feng stood aside and whispered.

Qiao Tianchang's eyes narrowed slightly and looked at Yu Feng coldly: "who do you say is charming?"

Yu Feng looks at Qiao Tianchang without words: "are you really good like this?" I'm not afraid to spoil people in this way.

Qiao Tianchang looked at Yu Feng and snorted, "I'm happy."

Yufeng choked for a while. Well, I'm happy. He won't interfere. Sooner or later, he will spoil people. He will see what to do with this boy.

Nangong Yan looked at their noisy appearance, and their eyes were all smiling. They didn't mean to stop them at all. But ningmengyao was not happy, and he threw Qiao Tianchang's arms down.

At night, after Ning Mengyao fell asleep, Qiao Tianchang got up quietly and came to the front garden, where they had arrived.

They went to the dungeon where Li liner was held.

Li lin'er stays in the dungeon. At the beginning, she was expecting that they would come to save her, but now she has given up completely.

Hearing the footsteps outside, Li lin'er looked up. When she saw Qiao Tianchang and their faces changed, she was surprised to see their faces: "it's you?"