Li lin'er looked at them coming to her, and her face was very ugly. She immediately understood why those people didn't come to save her, but they couldn't find where she was. In this case, how could they find someone?

Li lin'er is so soft on the ground that she always thinks she is still in the Lord Xiao's mansion, but unexpectedly, she doesn't know when she will be here. How can those people know where she is?

Xiao Qifeng came to Li lin'er's face and looked at her as if she were dead. His lips raised a cold smile: "the scout in Miao area?"

In five words, Li lin'er, who had lost her will to survive, opened her eyes: "you What do you mean? "

"Li lin'er, I'm very curious. The whole Li family, are you just a spy in Miao area, or are all of them. How many people know about it?" Xiao Qifeng looked at Li lin'er with a smile, and a smile of satire came from the corner of his mouth.

Li lin'er's eyes flashed flustered and then said, "I don't know what you're talking about."

"Really or falsely?"

"I don't know."

Xiao Qifeng looked at her hard mouth and laughed sarcastically: "last night someone went to the xiaowangfu to save her, but she was served with a pot, and she knew something from their mouths that she shouldn't know."

Xiao Qifeng's words, let Li liner's heart cool half.

"It doesn't matter if you don't say it. I think some people in the Li family will know about it. If they kill people one by one, they will say it." Xiao Qifeng has a killing smile on his gentle face.

For such a person, another mistake can be made, and we can't let it go.

"They don't know anything. You can't touch them." Li lin'er is afraid that Xiao Qifeng is really going to move Li's family.

Xiao Qifeng looked down at Li lin'er and said, "if you want the Li family to be OK, you should say everything. In the eyes of those people, you are a dead man."

Li lin'er was trembling. Naturally, she knew what Xiao Qifeng meant.

After a period of standoff, Li liner had no choice but to compromise: "I'll tell you what you want to know."

Xiao Qifeng squints at Li lin'er. From her expression, we can see that the Li family has a secret.

"Xiao Chengya."

Hearing the name, Li lin'er's expression became ferocious: "that bitch has a life to live, but how could she not die? Why is she still alive? I really don't like it. "

Qiao Tianchang looks at Li lin'er like that. It seems that this man really knows where Xiao Chengya is.

"Where is she?"

"Where is it? She can't survive now. She's lying on the bed like a wood. Ha ha, that's retribution. " Li lin'er laughed crazily.

When she was the eldest miss of the Li family, she was always under the pressure of Xiao Chengya. When people talk about the talented women in the capital, they think only of Xiao Chengya, and they don't think of another Li lin'er at all.

Later, she fell in love with Xiao Yilin, but he was very fond of Xiao Chengya, which made her feel very painful, as if her things had been peeped.

At that time, she was very painful, and her feelings were unresponsive. Later, when she knew that Xiao Chengya had an accident and that she was going to be married to a dandy before marriage, she was so excited.

But the excitement didn't last that long, so it was interrupted. Because the Regent of lingguo came, he said he wanted to marry Xiao Chengya, but why? Xiao Chengya is a broken shoe. Someone likes it.

Then something happened to Xiao Chengya. When nangongyan was looking for herbs, she took Xiao Chengya out with the help of others and kept it in Li's house. At that time, everyone thought that Xiao Chengya's baby was dead, but she didn't expect to survive, but her servant girl took care of her hid it.

By the time she found out, Xiao Chengya had given birth to her baby. At the same time, someone there asked to take Xiao Chengya away.

This made her miss another chance. When she wanted to throw Xiao Chengya's child to the place like the brothel, the child disappeared, even the embroiderer in the house.