Later, she married Xiao Yilin, but in Xiao's eyes, only Xiao Chengya was the bitch in her heart, and she knew from that time that Xiao Yilin had that kind of dirty mind for Xiao Chengya. Later, she found an opportunity to tell Xiao Chengya about it. Xiao Chengya, who was getting better and better, learned that her beloved brother had that kind of mind for herself After feelings.

Excited, I fainted and never woke up after that, especially knowing that the child was sent to the brothel under the double strike.

Li lin'er laughed crazily: "Xiao Chengya was taken away by me in those days, but it's a pity that she is still alive."

"Why did you do that?" Xiao Qifeng frowned to see Li lin'er for some reason.

Li lin'er laughed at herself: "why? Of course, it's because Xiao Yilin is the man. "

"What do you mean?"

"He loves Xiao Chengya, not brother to sister, but love between men and women." Li lin'er said bitterly.

Since I don't like her or love her, why did I marry her at the beginning?

Everyone was stunned at this moment. I couldn't believe looking at lilier. It was like being struck by thunder.

"Don't talk nonsense."

"My nonsense? Why am I talking nonsense? Xiao Chengya's appearance of not dying or living now is because she knows it. " Li lin'er said word by word.

Xiao Qifeng thinks they know a little more today, and their heads are dizzy.

"What's your relationship with the national teacher in miaojiang?" Xiao Qifeng feels that he can't continue to ask this question. If he continues, he will be able to bear the violent walk.

Li lin'er laughed and then squinted at them: "how do you know the national teacher?"

"You don't care about this."

"Is it? Guoshi is a very powerful person. You can't fight him at all. Sooner or later, all countries will become things in Guoshi's pocket. " Li lin'er looked at Xiao Qifeng and said sarcastically.

They looked at Li lin'er and thought that Li lin'er really believed in the national teacher. They could even say such a thing.

"It seems that the ambition of the national teacher is really great."


At last, Li lin'er said something that she could say, but she didn't tell Qiao Tianchang and others about what she couldn't.

"Let's go. There's nothing left." Qiao Tianchang suddenly opens his mouth.

"Well, let's go."

After leaving the dungeon, Qiao Tianchang looked at Xiao Qifeng and said, "what do you think Li liner said..."

"I've kept a lot. I don't think I dare say it." Yufeng hook lips a smile, beautiful face with a little cinnabar.

Qiao Tianchang nodded: "it's true, but I'm afraid the Li family is not simple."

"Well, I'll have someone deal with it over there." Xiao Qifeng squinted and said.

From Li lin'er's evasive appearance, we can see that the Li family is not so normal.


"You can go." Qiao Tianchang said directly.

Xiao Qifeng turned to look at Qiao Tianchang: "shouldn't you take us to have a rest?"

"It's hard to explain that Yaoyao saw you coming tomorrow, so you'd better go back." Then he turned around and left without leaving them a look.

Xiao Qitian stares at Qiao Tianchang's back: "do you think Tianchang has changed since the marriage, brother? Now it's even more serious. "

"Well, that's fine." Xiao Qifeng nodded. It's not bad.

Xiao Qitian picked up his eyebrows and said, "yes, let's go."

After the two brothers left, Yufeng and Muchen looked at each other, then shrugged and went back to the princess mansion.

Two days later, it came out that what the Li family had done was very irritating.

After seeing the criminal evidence of Li's family, the people were not dissatisfied with their death, but they still felt very happy.

At the same time that Li's family was beheaded, Xiao Qifeng was walking towards the imperial palace.

The head of the Li family heard the voice coming out from the outside, and his body was slightly stiff, especially when he saw Xiao Qifeng.