"See the emperor." All the people in the prison trembled and looked at Xiao Qifeng as if they were very afraid, especially the son of the Li family leader.

"Emperor, we are wronged. You must decide for us."

Xiao Qifeng looked at her, with a faint smile on his lips: "wrong? Then tell me what is this? "

Seeing the things in Xiao Qifeng's hands, Li's master's pupils are shrinking, and his face is filled with despair. It turns out that this is the reason why Li's family really closed the door.

Seeing the master of Li's family like that, Xiao Qifeng chuckled out: "it seems that the master of Li's family already knows what's going on."

"Since the emperor already knows what else to do?"

"I'm still confused in some places. I don't know if the leader of the Li family would like to solve my doubts for me." Xiao Qifeng sat on the chair brought by the bodyguard, and looked at the leader of Li's family and said casually.

"Emperor, you want to know what we say, as long as you let us go." Before the master of the Li family could speak, he was interrupted by his son.

What Xiao Qifeng wanted was such an effect. He took a look at the young master of the Li family and said, "is that right? Just you know what I want? "

"I I know. I know. Even if I don't know, I will let my father tell the emperor. Please forgive us. " Mr. Li knelt on the ground and begged for mercy.

The head of the Li family is filled with remorse when he sees his son's cowardly appearance. It's all his fault. If it wasn't for him, his son would not be cultivated as he is now.

"Is it?"

"Yes, tell the emperor, I don't want to die." Mr. Li nodded hurriedly, and then looked at the owner of the Li family and begged.

The Li family leader still didn't speak, but his eyes were loose.

Seeing this scene, Xiao Qifeng knew that he would get what he wanted soon.

"Master Li doesn't seem to want to tell me."

"What do you want to do, emperor?" When Mr. Li wants to open his mouth, the master of the Li family looks at him and asks earnestly.

Xiao Qifeng looked at the master of Li's family, with a playful smile on his face: "how about saying I'll spare you?"


"Shut up, how can I have such a son as you."

Xiao Qifeng saw that the leader of the Li family was so resolute, and looked at the people beside him: "since the leader of the Li family is so resolute, I won't force him to do it. Let's do it."

The man standing behind Xiao Qifeng walked towards Mr. Li and tied him to the edge of the scaffold. One of the guards took out a sharp dagger and stabbed him in the body.

"Ah..." The scream came from childe Li's mouth.

And this is just the beginning.

"Emperor, I tell you I said. When Mr. Li's flesh was cut off, he couldn't stand it.

But when he saw the way Mr. Li looked, the owner of the Li family was full of gray.

Li's family affairs, many sons know, now the son like this, he even want to continue to hide is impossible.

With a wave of Xiao Qifeng's hand, the bodyguard stopped.

"Say it."

Mr. Li felt that the dagger in his body was gone, so he began to speak.

He told Xiao Qifeng all the secrets he knew about the Li family.

After getting the answer he wanted, Xiao Qifeng nodded with satisfaction: "would it be better to say no earlier? Why wait until now? "

After Xiao Qifeng left, the leader of the Li family was soft on the ground, and his heart was cold. It was over. Everything was over.

But Mr. Li is lucky for the rest of his life.

However, this kind of happiness did not last for a long time, and he died without knowing what it was like.

Not only he, but also the rest of Li's family died overnight. They didn't know what was going on until they died.

Xiao Qifeng looked at the person in front of him and said, "people have dealt with it?"

"Well, it's done."

"That's good. Let's talk to Tianchang about the news from Li's family."


After they left, Xiao Qifeng leaned on the Dragon chair, his eyes narrowed slightly, which was full of unfathomability. It seems that the national master was really vigilant. The chess pieces scattered in various countries did not know the identity of each other at all, which made them very troublesome to investigate.