After Xiao Qifeng knew these things, Li family's affairs came to an end. Only Li liner was still alive. She thought Li family was still alive.

She thought that as long as she didn't open her mouth and tell them all she knew, the Li family would be OK, but she didn't know that Xiao Qifeng's means were so cruel.

When Joe Tianchang learned about it, he had a cruel smile on his lips.

Miao people are really ambitious. If he remembers correctly, the Li family has been in Xiaoguo for nearly a hundred years. However, he is curious about whether the chess pieces Li Jiacheng made for Miao started from a hundred years ago or just from the generation of Li family leader.

In his eyes, Qiao Tianchang waved people away.

He got up and walked toward the dungeon. Looking at Li lin'er sitting in the dungeon, Qiao Tianchang sneered at him, even more: "Li lin'er."

Li lin'er looks up at Qiao Tianchang and doesn't say a word. It's like he's determined. Qiao Tianchang dare not do anything to her.

However, Joe Tianchang sat down on the chair and looked at her in his spare time. Her eyes made her very uneasy.

"What do you want to do?" Li lin'er may not know that her voice is trembling slightly. Yes, she is afraid.

Qiao Tianchang laughed sarcastically: "I really thought you were not afraid of anything."

"What do you want to do?"

"Don't do anything, just come to tell you, Li family Destroy the door. " The last four words, Qiao Tianchang said very slowly, also let Li liner heart some hair cool.

"You talk nonsense."

"Nonsense? General Ben doesn't have the time to give you bullshit. " Qiao Tianchang looks at lilin'er with a sneer. The jeer in her eyes makes lilin'er know that all this is true.

Li lin'er's eyes widened and she couldn't believe looking at Qiao Tianchang. They didn't get the news from her mouth. Wouldn't they be able to fight against Li's family? Why is Li's family destroyed?

"Are you thinking that we haven't asked you about the Miao area, how could we kill the Li family? To tell you the truth, the Li family knows no less than you, or even more than you. " Qiao Tianchang sees Li lin'er stare round a pair of eyes, looking at her with a smile on her lips.

Li Liner was still calm expression, a moment pale ugly: "how do you know?"

"Don't you think what you said at that time was too false?" Qiao Tianchang asked faintly from his chair.

Li lin'er has some doubts in her heart. Doesn't she seem to have done anything? Why is it like this? It's a little unacceptable to her.

"Joe Tianchang, I won't believe it. How could they tell you." Don't even want to die. Dad, they are not muddleheaded. It's impossible to tell them.

The only possibility is that Qiao Tianchang is cheating her, and the purpose is to make her disorderly, and then tell them everything.

The more she thinks about this possibility, the more likely she thinks it is.

Looking at Li lin'er's face, Qiao Tianchang sat there, the expression on her face never changed.

"Li lin'er, when you were a child, you were not raised in the boudoir, but in the Miao area, right? You also have a certain understanding of Gu Chong, and even you are raising bone worms. Am I right? " Joe Tianchang? Did Li lin'er believe it? Gu said that he got the news.

With Qiao Tianchang's narration, Li Liner's eyes are wide open and full of disbelief How is this possible?

"You Where do you know that? " Li lin'er looks at Qiao Tianchang. Only the family can know about these things. Is it true

Just having such an idea, Li lin'er began to shake her head constantly. No, she must have thought more about it. How could they tell Xiao Qifeng about these things.

But how can he explain all that he knows?

Qiao Tianchang looked at Li liner's disbelief until now, and his mouth was slightly hooked: "in fact, we can know all this, but also rely on your brother. If it is not because he is so afraid of death, how can we get the news?"