Li lin'er looks at Qiao Tianchang and stares: "what do you mean?"

"What do you mean? In fact, it's nothing. We can know that this is what your good brother told us, and even what he urged Li Jiazhu to say. Do you think I should thank him? "

Li liner stood up tremblingly. Now she believed that Li Jiazhen was destroyed, and there was nothing left.

After decades of painstaking operation, everything disappeared.

No, she's not at all.

Looking at Li lin'er's near collapse, Joe Tianchang didn't respond at all.

There must be something hateful about poor people, and Li lin'er is such a person.

"Hahaha, it's over, it's all over." When Qiao Tianchang was about to leave, Lilly suddenly laughed crazily. Qiao Tianchang's eyes narrowed slightly with that laugh. She turned to look at Lilly. It was nice to see her blood gushing out.

See this Qiao Tianchang eyes full of cold, no longer stay away from the dungeon.

Li lin'er was standing on the ground in a trance, her eyes were dead grey.

Why is it that way? Li lin'er really doesn't understand why things are planned so well.

What's wrong? It's like this.

All of a sudden, Li liner thought that everything was out of control since she told Xiao Zixuan. That is to say, the reason why things developed to this point was entirely because of herself.

Think of is because of oneself, the matter can become like this, Li liner crazy smile.

All of a sudden, his eyes were round, his hands were over his chest, his face was full of twisted pain, then he fell to the ground, and there was no breath.

Li lin'er's death soon passed to Qiao Tianchang's hand. At the same time, she got a small brocade bag, which was found in Li lin'er.

Open * * and Qiao Tianchang takes out the contents. When he sees the contents, Qiao Tianchang's eyes squint slightly.

Put the note under the candle and burn it clean.

When Li lin'er died, in a luxurious house in the Miao area, a man wearing a white Royal robe and standing with his back to the door said angrily, "waste."

"National master atones for sins." The people who came to report on the ground trembled all over, and there was a clear fear in their voice.

"Tell them to clean up the marks."


After they left, the Guoshi turned his head, and the face was so similar to Xiao Qifeng's.

"Damn it, it's a failure at this time." A heavy slap on the edge of the table, the table can not bear this too much force, a scattered on the ground.

Fortunately, he did not let them contact other people, or he would have lost more than the Li family.

Guoshi paced in the study, then went to the bookshelf, put his hand on a vase on the bookshelf, and with a heavy twist, the bookshelf on his left moved away, revealing a passage.

Holding a fist sized night pearl, the master of the state entered the secret chamber, where he was dressed up as a woman's boudoir.

The national teacher went to the bedside and looked at the man lying on the bed: "so long, why don't you want to wake up?" The man whispered and said a lot, but the man in the bed never gave him an expression answer, or even did not even move.

The National Teacher caressed the man's cheek: "so many years, you really so cruel?" Looking at the person on the bed, the national teacher left the secret room and went out.

After going out, the loss on Guoshi's face disappeared, and the cold and hard replaced it.

"I don't want to make any mistakes when things over there are handled as soon as possible."


When Qiao Tianchang sent people to check the business of Li's family, most of the stores of Li's family had been damaged. The account books were either bitten by rats or burned less.

Qiao Tianchang never believed in such a coincidence, which only shows that the other party started before them, so that they could not know about the Li family or even their affairs.