Xiao Qifeng was very dissatisfied with the handling of this matter, because some people in the court stopped him, so he lost the opportunity, because of this, Xiao Qifeng also had doubts about those people.

When the affairs of Li's family set off another storm, Ling Wuhou, who had been very low-key for a long time, suddenly laughed loudly in his study: "ha ha, I found it, and finally I found it." The people they sent out finally found the army. As long as they got the army out, everything would be easy. Xiao kingdom would soon become his Lingjia.

Think of the near future, oneself can ascend that seat, Ling Wu Hou's eye is carrying crazy joy.

Ling Luo looks at Ling Wuhou like that, his brow is slightly wrinkled. He thinks it seems that there is something It's a little easier.

"I think it's too simple about father. There seems to be something wrong with him." Lingluo said with some concern.

Although their movements are very careful, there are still some clues that can be detected, but Xiao Qifeng, as the king of a country, doesn't know anything.

This is not in line with the character of Xiao Qifeng, he is one of those very smart people, can not be aware of nothing.

"Don't be so careful. Although Xiao Qifeng has means, how many forces can he have shortly after his accession to the throne?" Except for Qiao Tianchang's people, I'm afraid there are not many people in the court, which lingwuhou believes very much.

Lingluo wanted to say something else, but when he saw that Lingwu Hou didn't want to say more, he could only suppress his worries.

Secretly, Lingluo asked people to stare at Qiao Tianchang and they were afraid that something would happen.

At the same time, the people Ling Luo sent to investigate Xiao Zixuan also came back.

"How are you? What do you find in so many days? "

"Madame has already cut off all relations with Lord Xiao."

The following people's words, let Ling Luo eyes slightly squint, eyes with a thoughtful, do not know what to think.

"When is it?"

"That's the day when the lady was called back by Lord Xiao."

"Do you know why?" Lingluo squints at the person in front of her.

No wonder Xiao Zixuan would have that expression that day. It was because of that.

The corners of the mouth are slightly hooked, with a sarcastic smile on his face, and his expression is a little chilly.

"Because his wife stole the secret order, King Xiao cut off all relations with his wife in a fit of anger."

Ling Luo nodded to show that he knew, and waved to let people down.

Knowing that Xiao Zixuan has no redundant relationship with the Lord's residence, and that they have found the mysterious army, so he doesn't have to go on with Xiao Zixuan and snake tail.

Think of this, Ling Luo's face with a satisfied smile.

It's hard to make friends outside. Ning Mengyao seems to be isolated from the rest of the world in the general's mansion. She eats and sleeps every day. Since she was pregnant for three months, Ning Mengyao has become more and more sleepy. Two thirds of the time she sleeps every day.

If it wasn't for Qingshuang and Hei old man to say they were OK, it would be normal for him to worry.

That day, Ning Mengyao finally woke up and looked at Qingxuan: "how is the workshop over there built?" It's been more than one or two months. What's going on there has to be dealt with, right?

"More than half of them have been built, because they are a little big, so the time taken has been compared, but it should not be more than a month before they can be built." Qingxuan looks at ningmengyao and thinks about it. He says seriously.

"Well, don't worry. Build the house stronger." The place she built is huge, and it's understandable to spend some time.

"You go to inform Qi Wang to come over and say that I have something to discuss with him."


An hour later, Xiao Qitian came over and looked at Ning Mengyao excitedly: "Mengyao, do you call me?"

"Well, how is the shop prepared? Now it's almost new year's day. After years, we can start to prepare some goods directly. "

"You can rest assured that I'm ready to do things. I'll only start when you've finished the work here, but we'd better wait until the work here is settled." When Xiao Qitian thought of what Xiao Qifeng had told him, his lips raised a cold smile.