Mother-in-law Qin thought about what she had made for today's meal, but now she looks at the two people's appearance and silently turns around to go out. She suddenly feels toothache here.

Although the young lady and my uncle didn't do anything, just a simple stir fry and a chop, how could she feel that there are countless pink bubbles popping up?

Seeing mother-in-law Qin go out, Qiao Tianchang said jokingly, "are you satisfied?"

"Yes, of course." Ning Mengyao nodded with a smile.

Mother-in-law Qin has been staring at her here. As long as she moves bigger, she looks at her as if she has done something heinous.

When mother-in-law Qin was not here, Ning Mengyao let go and prepared several dishes on the basis of the meals they prepared.

They arrived at the right time of the meal, not only for them, but also for Xiao Qitian.

"Don't you go to the palace to celebrate the new year with Qifeng?"

"No, it's not interesting." Xiao Qitian curled his mouth.

The new year of these years is not like those women's fancy? Thinking makes you sick.

"Go and call Qifeng together." Qiao Tian thinks about it and asks Xiao Qitian to call people.

Now there are a lot of people. Xiao Qifeng comes here and everyone is busy. He is saving money to deal with those women in the palace.

Xiao Qitian nods, let a person call, oneself pour is to chat with Yu Feng them to open.

Half an hour later, Xiao Qifeng came to the general's mansion in a simple robe.

Seeing Xiao Qitian, he couldn't help but stare at him: "it turned out that he came here." No wonder I didn't go to the palace today.

Xiao Qitian left his mouth and murmured discontentedly, "what's good in the palace? Those women are disgusting. "

"Come on, don't say that." Every time Xiao Qitian's expression is not very good, Xiao Qifeng doesn't bother him with these things.

For the only brother, Xiao Qifeng is very tolerant, especially in marriage, so that now Xiao Qitian's family doesn't even have a concubine or a wife.

When Xiao Qifeng came, he began to serve.

When the fragrant dishes were on the table, Xiao Qifeng suddenly looked at Xiao Qitian: "I understand why you always run here."

"What do you mean, brother? I really want to be greedy. "

Xiao Qifeng looks at him with his eyebrows raised, which means nothing more.

"Well, don't eat well?" Ningmengyao's head is full of black lines, but he also has a new understanding of the king of the country.

Everyone began to eat in a hot and noisy way. The wine was naturally made by ningmengyao. It was not until this afternoon that the meal ended.

Xiao Qifeng is not busy going back. He sits in the room and chats with Qiao Tianchang.

"It's so boring to sit here and play cards." Yufeng didn't have any interest in what they said, and suddenly he started shouting.

Qiao Tianchang's eyes are on Yu Feng's body, with doubts in their eyes. What card?

Yufengbang took out a pair of homemade playing cards, and then began to explain how to play fast.

"Do you understand?"

Xiao Qitian nodded eagerly: "I see. It seems very interesting. Come on, hurry up."

"Come on, first, and then play with the money." They don't have the money, they just want to create an atmosphere.

Xiao Qitian nodded. That's good.

Xiao Qifeng was also very interested in this card, so he joined in.

Ningmengyao watched them play cards. She couldn't laugh or cry. She just used to play with them. Unexpectedly, he still took them with her at any time.

Sitting next to Qiao Tianchang and watching them playing cards, they couldn't help but find Yufeng to take two pairs of them and play. Even Nangong Yan couldn't stand the temptation to join in.

Ning Mengyao sat on the chair and listened to the voices of the people.

"The sky is clear." Sitting on the opposite side of Qiao Tianchang, Yufeng suddenly nunuzui to him. Qiao Tianchang turns around and sees Ning Mengyao sleeping on the chair.

Put down the card in your hand and carry Ning Mengyao back to the room.

"It's true that she can fall asleep when it's noisy."

Qiao Tianchang didn't care much. Now Ning Mengyao's sleeping state is very good.