When Qiao Tianchang went back, his seat was occupied by others. He didn't care. He sat and watched them play. He didn't think it was interesting for a long time, so he leaned against the book that Ning Mengyao had collected.

In the noise of the crowd, it seemed a little quiet.

"Why did I lose again?" Xiao Qitian looks at the huge number of cards in his hand.

"Bad luck." Said Yu Feng with a sneer.

"You are not the same, say me?" said Xiao Qi

Yufeng is choked for a while. They are the worst losers, but Xiao Qifeng is the winner.

Xiao Qifeng looks at the two people's bickering. The corners of their mouths are slightly hooked. It's different from the usual kind of smile. Now he smiles from his heart.

"Tianchang, please help me." Seeing Qiao Tianchang reading at the same time, Xiao Qitian hurriedly looks for help.

Qiao Tianchang eyebrows frivolous: "really want to let me help?"

"Well, if you help, you have to win them." Xiao Qitian is angry. Every time his cards are bad, even very bad. It would be strange if he could win.

Qiao Tianchang put down his book and went to sit on the chair where Xiao Qitian sat.

Just a few times, it was said that Xiao Qitian would win back some of the money he lost.

Xiao Qitian looked at Yu Feng's dark face and chuckled: "I'm not the loser now, am I?"

"Don't let Tianchang help you." Bite your teeth in the wind.

Xiao Qitian groaned, "I see you are envious, jealous and hateful."

Fly to Xiao Qitian an eye knife, the heart of Yu Feng is fierce, but in the end, it is more and more lose.

Although the money was only a small change to him, it still hurt, especially looking at Xiao Qitian's appearance of needing to be beaten.

Muchen looks at Qiao Tianchang: "I didn't expect Tianchang to play so well."

Qiao Tianchang smiled and didn't speak, but Xiao Qitian felt very proud. He found people.

A group of people still have a lot to play until the evening. When they think that it's new year's day and there's nothing to do, just keep playing.

Ningmengyao woke up when it was dark. When she got to the front hall, she heard the noise that was about to overturn the house.

As soon as the forehead is dark, these people haven't played enough.

When I went in, I saw that Xiao Qitian and Yufeng were against each other. They were all about to become cockfights.

"I said what are you doing?" Ningmengyao reached out and rubbed his eyebrow, but asked helplessly.

"Mengyao, you wake up. Come and I'll share your money." Xiao Qitian holds a stack of votes in his hand and laughs.

Seeing Xiao Qitian's thumping appearance and his liver ache, he lost all these money.

If Xiao Qitian won by himself, it's OK. But it's not true. It's Qiao Tianchang who won. He picked up the leak on the edge, but now it's like this. If you think about it, Yu Feng feels depressed.

"Have the ability to win by yourself." Bite your teeth in the wind.

Xiao Qitian looks at Yufeng proudly: "I know you are envious."

Ning Mengyao looks at them strangely: "what's the matter with you?"

It's like a cockfight.

Mu Xue tells Ning Mengyao about it. After hearing it, Ning Mengyao suddenly understands that it's because of this, but it's really interesting. No wonder that her brother-in-law is so angry.

"Come to Mengyao, it's yours." Xiao Qitian gave Ning Mengyao half of it very generously.

Ningmengyao blinked. She didn't do anything about it. How many thousand Liang did she get?

Yu Feng is not willing to look at Xiao Qitian's small man's success: "let's go on. This time, Tian Chang is not allowed to help you."

"No help, no help." He doesn't care about the money. Who is afraid of it.

Joe Tianchang saw that they were quarreling fiercely, and some of them had enough fun. He simply stood up and gave way.

"You go on, I'm not playing." Playing for such a long time is really a bit dizzy.

Ningmengyao saw Qiao Tianchang frowning and gently rubbing his forehead. Now she knew that he was annoyed by the noise.

He came to him and sat down, then reached out and rubbed his temples.

Qiao Tianchang didn't want her to do that. She was pregnant in her mind. However, the girl seemed to have made up her mind. She didn't want to let go, so she had to follow her nature.