"Prime minister Mu's goddaughter was unjust, and she was punished for one year's salary. She thought about it behind closed doors. As for Mu's language, she didn't look like a lady in a big family. She copied the female precepts a hundred times and learned the rules with her mother." The emperor looked at Prime Minister Mu and shook his head in disappointment.

Although Xiao Qitian is still not satisfied with some things, he knows that some things can not be too concerned, and there will be opportunities in the future.

"The marriage of the Emperor..."

"Muxue was granted the title of Sheriff of xueluo, and she chose a day to marry Xiaoguo."

"Thank you, Emperor."

Even if Prime Minister Mu doesn't want to, he has to kneel down and thank you. His heart is choked with pain.

After their marriage, Xiao Qitian once again said, "emperor, I, situ Xuan, the princess of Xiao state, and Mu Chen, the prime minister's son of your country, are in love with each other. They intend to marry each other and hope the emperor will be complete."

"It's natural. Of course I agree."

Prime Minister Mu looks at Mu Chen in shock. Unexpectedly, even this son's marriage has something to do with Xiao Kingdom, and he is also the princess of Xiao kingdom.

"Choose a good day to get married."

"Thank you, Emperor."

The two sides got married. The people around them envied Prime Minister mu. They climbed a high branch. But seeing Prime Minister Mu's expression like eating flies, they suddenly felt complete.

The prime minister's wife was trying to find a bad marriage for Muchen. Who knows that she got such a good marriage.

Moreover, it was the princess of the state of Xiao. Situ Xuan was the first cousin of the emperor of the state of Xiao. She married into Mu's family. Even if she wanted to find her trouble, she had to weigh it. Besides, there was a general's wife beside her.

Ning Mengyao looked at the ugly face of the prime minister's wife ironically and was very satisfied.

"Let's get started."

Then there was the sound of silk and bamboo, and the singing and dancing of the singer. Everyone was very happy at a banquet, which made the prime minister Mu's family angry.

After returning home, Mu Yu lost his temper.

"Why is that Slut bathing in snow?" She turned into sheriff xueluo. That's why she was born under pressure. She didn't like it.

Prime Minister Mu raised his hand and slapped Mu Yu in the face: "how dare you say anything? Now she is not only the prince's princess, but also the future Princess Qi of Xiaoguo. Don't you think you have enough trouble? "

After being beaten twice in a day, Mu Yu was already angry and glared at Prime Minister Mu: "if you like them, Dad, you can take them back. After all, they are all noble now." Mu said, biting his teeth.

"Enough, is that what you should say as a child? See what you've taught her. " Prime Minister Mu is very angry.

If he has a good relationship with brother and sister Muchen, of course he is happy with their marriage, but the key is that their relationship is not as good as it seems.

"I know I'm wrong. I'll discipline my language well in the future."


Prime Minister Mu waved them away impatiently. After staying in the study for a night, he thought about how to ease their relationship.

The next day Xiao Qitian went to the prime minister's office to send a large number of dowry gifts. However, after the dowry gifts were sent, he did not give them to the prime minister mu, but gave them to Mu Xue face to face.

"These things are for you, but don't let those with shallow eyes be greedy." This time, he brought a lot of good things, some of which were found by ningmengyao for him. They were all like by muxue.

"Well, I see."

They were very happy to see so many betrothal gifts. But in a flash, things are not theirs. If they are greedy, they will not look good at that time. And Xiao Qitian means to give these things to Mu Xue as her dowry.

Mu Xue glanced at them with a light glance.

Red eyes? What we want is this effect. Muxue gives Xiao Qitian a big praise in her heart.

Ningmengyao stood on the edge and frowned: "you have to take it away. These will be your private house money in the future. If you remember what you used, if someone else took it, don't hide it."

Looking at the white face of the prime minister's wife, Ning Mengyao sneers, and they want this effect.

Muchen looked at Prime Minister Mu: "when my mother died, she said that when my sister married, she would leave her dowry to her sister."