Prime Minister Mu's face turned ugly for a moment.

In recent years, the prime minister's office has been supported by the dowry of the former lady. If the dowry is given to Mu Xue, how can they live in such a large prime minister's office?

"Muchen, you are so unfilial." As soon as the prime minister's wife listened to Muchen's words, her face suddenly turned gloomy and ugly. She could not help tearing the two people in front of her.

"How can I be unfilial? The hat of the prime minister's wife is too big. What's the problem with my sister's dowry? " Muchen looks at the cold opening of the prime minister's wife.

Ningmengyao tut tut said that she was surprised. She looked at the prime minister's wife with contempt and disdain: "my wife has never seen such a shameless person, occupying other people's dowries, and abusing other people's children. This stepwife will not think that those things of the first lady are yours, right? If you really want to hold on to these dowries, as long as Mu Xue is willing to, do not mind looking for a third party to intervene. "

The dowry of a woman is also registered in the official family. Those things belong to her own property.

"I can't move anything in the prime minister's office, but I have to take my mother's dowry back. I don't want my mother's dowry to be used to raise a white eyed wolf." Mu Xue looks at them.

In Mu Xue's eyes, Prime Minister Mu is the kind of white eyed wolf that doesn't have a good time, and he will eat his own children at any time.

When Prime Minister Mu's face stiffened, he was scolded by his own children in front of so many people. Prime Minister Mu frowned and said, "what do you mean by this words, muxue?"

"What do you mean? When my mother died, she said that the dowry can be used for you, but let you take care of our brothers and sisters. Have you taken care of us all these years? " Mu Xue is really not afraid of prime minister Mu now. She looks at Prime Minister Mu calmly.

"Xueer is right. Have you ever done your duty as a father after your mother died? No, you just used your mother's dowry to raise these disgusting women, and this woman is also our mother indirectly. "

Xiao Qitian frowned tightly: "if you have any questions, please find an official to find out how Wang's mother-in-law can die so inexplicably."

Prime Minister Mu is speechless. He is still his father-in-law. Why can't he say it?

"Well, I'll give it to you, but give us a little time. After so many years, the dowry will not be complete." When Prime Minister Mu thought of the gentle woman, his heart was full of guilt. After all, he was sorry for the three of them.

When Madame Mu heard this, she was not happy: "how can I do this? It's all a dowry for yur. "

"Ha ha, I haven't seen such a shameless person. How much do you want to use the dowry of the first lady as your daughter's dowry? If you have done so many things, aren't you afraid that someone will come to you at midnight? " Ningmengyao is so angry with the shameless appearance of this woman. This woman is really enough.

Madame Mu's face changed, her body trembled slightly, and her lips were still white.

"That's my dowry, muxue. Why are you such a bitch?" Mu Yu is proud. Yes, those good things are hers. Why is this woman.

As soon as Xiao Qi was cold and in a flash, she had come to Mu Yu's face. She raised her hand and slapped it. Almost in the blink of an eye, her face swelled into a bun face.

"When is it your turn to insult my king's princess? Insult the king's Princess and seek death. "

"King Qi is calm. No matter how you say Mu language, you are Mu Xue's sister This... "

"I don't have such a sister. I don't remember my mother gave birth to such a disgusting sister. If she is really my sister, I would rather kill her and save her humiliation." Mu Xue looks at the prime minister Mu gloomily.

"At first, Xueer and I planned to leave a third of my mother's dowry for you, but now it's totally unnecessary. My mother's dowry can't be less. Xueer, let's go to find my grandfather and take the Lord to see him." Muchen didn't pay attention to the ugly face of prime minister Muchen. She turned to look at muche and said seriously.

Mu Xue nodded: "OK.