Before they left the prime minister's house, the two brothers and sisters of Muchen took ningmengyao with them. Ningmengyao suddenly turned to see the Prime Minister of Muchen, who has a blue face: "Muchen, you are the daughter of the Prime Minister of Muchen. Is it her little miss of the prime minister's house that can insult the emperor, the princess of our country? This time, king Qi doesn't care, but not the next time. You'd better let her have a long memory. When the time comes to save, king Qi will be annoyed. This head may move at any time. The prime minister thinks what my wife said is right? "

Being preached like this by a younger generation, Prime Minister Mu's face has long been lost.

Looking at the people who left, Prime Minister Mu's face was gloomy and ugly. Looking coldly at the crying, Prime Minister Mu said angrily, "are you happy to cry? Now Mu Xue's identity is that you can scold casually? It's better to think about it for me. Don't blame me for my impoliteness if you are involved in the prime minister's office. "

Madame Mu's face turned white, and she could not hate brother and sister Mu Chen in her heart, but she also knew that Prime Minister Mu was serious about what he said, and he could really do what he said.

Muchen they went to Taifu mansion together, which is their grandfather's house.

Seeing them in Muchen, the servant's eyes were all bright: "it's master Biao, and miss Biao are here. Please inform the adults." Then he ran towards the house.

Muchen looks at the housekeeper with a funny look, and her eyes are full of helpless color.

When Lin Taifu saw his grandson and granddaughter coming, he also brought his future grandson-in-law. Don't mention how happy they are.


"Tell Grandpa, who are these?"

"Grandpa, this is Xiao Qitian, your grandson-in-law, that is situ Xuan, your granddaughter-in-law, and our good friends Qiao Tianchang and Ning Mengyao."

"I've seen Taifu."

"Well, all good children." The temperament of several children made Lin Taifu like it at a glance.

"By the way, what's the matter with you this time?"

"Well, I hope my aunt can help my sister get her dowry back. Listen to that woman's voice, they want to give her dowry to Muyu."

Lin Taifu snorted coldly, his eyes were disgusted: "he dare." That's their daughter's stuff. It's for their granddaughter and grandson. Why should that woman interfere.

"I'll let your aunt do it. She's staying here these days. She's not allowed to go anywhere." He can't bear to see his granddaughter getting married soon.

Lin Taifu is a chess fanatic. He didn't hold them for a long time to play chess. Fortunately, Xiao Qitian's chess skill is not bad. He can play with Lin Taifu for a long time.

"Grandpa won." Xiao Qitian put down the chess pieces in his hand and said it was not strange at all.

Lin Taifu shook his head with a smile: "don't think that I'm useless when I'm old. You're making me lose so much, isn't it hard for you?"

Xiao Qitian felt embarrassed and touched his nose.

"Come on, let's have another set. This time, grandpa is not allowed."


So they began to fight again. Mu Xue was very happy to see that Xiao Qitian and Lin Taifu had such a harmonious relationship.

In the evening, when Lin Shu, the son of Lin Taifu, came back, he told Lin Shu about it.

"Don't worry, father. The daughter-in-law will do it well." Said Mrs. Lin Shao, squinting.

At the beginning, she had a very good relationship with her sister-in-law. Who knows that no one has been married to the prime minister's office for a long time. What's more, before the death of her daughter-in-law for a year, the man of prime minister Mu even carried his wife, which almost killed them.

But they hated the people in the prime minister's office. They didn't care to take care of their brothers and sisters. When they knew it, they were bullied by the servants.

Later, Lin Taifu asked the emperor to send the two children to Taifu's house. As for the prime minister's house, they couldn't go back twice a year.

But that's it. Prime Minister Mu and the woman want to get involved in the marriage of their two children.

Now, the marriage of the two children is top-notch. Look at this girl. Look at king Qi. They are very satisfied no matter what.

"King Qi, Xueer has suffered a lot over the years. If Xueer does anything willful in the future, don't mind."