At the beginning, Lin Taifu's family married her daughter with ten li of red dowry. The dowry was talked about in the capital. It was all good things. A pair of characters and a painting could be worth thousands of dollars when they were put out for auction.

Lin Taifu then looked at Prime Minister Mu and waited to see how he would choose.

People are also waiting. Emperor Feng can't wait at last. Looking at Prime Minister mu, he said in a cold voice, "what are you going to choose, Mu Aiqin?"

"Weichen Weichen... "

Even if it's only half of the dowry, it's also a treasure of great value. If it's missed, he can't save it. Moreover, the two children hate him and have no feelings with him. If it goes on like this, they will probably fight directly against the prime minister's office.

Then it's not worth it.

Thinking from left to right, Prime Minister Mu looked at Lin Taifu sadly: "this is the meaning of two children, or your father-in-law?"

"Who is your father-in-law? Your prime minister, I can't climb up. " As soon as Lin Taifu heard the words "father-in-law", he became angry.

"Cough." Maybe it's too excited. Lin Taifu keeps coughing.

Everyone knows that Lin Taifu loves his only daughter very much. Although it was said that she died of illness at the beginning, everyone knows that it was just an excuse. The first lady was killed alive by Prime Minister Mu and the present lady.

Don't be angry Feng Shuo frowned and hurried to Taifu's side, patting his back gently.

Feng Shuo was brought up under the guidance of Lin Taifu. The relationship between them is the relationship between teachers and apprentices.

Lin Taifu took a deep breath, depressed the discomfort in his heart, and looked at Prime Minister Mu: "don't say these things hypocritically. What do you choose, you say directly, is it a dowry or two children."

Prime Minister Mu was hard to decide for a while. People thought that he might take care of his children. But when they saw the struggle in his eyes, they immediately realized that money was more important than their children in their eyes.

In the end, Prime Minister Mu chose half of the dowry and cut off the relationship with the two children.

This result is expected by all, but it is unbelievable.

Is it really a human thing to break off a relationship with two such excellent children for money?

Emperor Feng frowned at Prime Minister mu, but at last he said nothing: "since both Mu Chen and Mu Xue are like this, they have nothing to do with Mu's family since then."

"Thank you for your grace."

Lin Taifu gave Prime Minister Mu a look, which made everyone around him feel terrible.

Too Fu's eyes are really frightening.

After the next Dynasty, people were congratulating Prime Minister mu for getting such a large sum of money. But prime minister Mu knew that they were mocking him.

Mu Xue soon knew that they had broken off their relationship with Prime Minister mu, but their mother's dowry was to be left to them half.

But it's nothing at all for them. Just think about it, they have the same way to get everything back.

"Now, there will be revenge and resentment in the future." Xiao Qitian nodded with satisfaction and was very happy with the result.

Ning Mengyao nodded: "Qingshuang."

"Miss, I know what to do."

Ning Mengyao smiled and did not continue to talk.

And the people on the side are confused. What does this mean?

"Yao Yao, what do you want to do?"

"Of course, let the people of Fengguo listen to how cruel their prime minister is. For such a little dowry, they don't want their own sons and daughters." This time, she wants to push Muchen and muxue to the weak side, so that they can do things conveniently in the future.

Xiao Qitian looked at Ning Mengyao for a long time and said an idea: "as expected, I can't oppose you."

"Just know." Ning Mengyao grew up and showed his sharp teeth, which made Xiao Qitian back a little.

Next, Xiao Qitian discussed the wedding date with the Lin family, and at the same time gave Mu Xue a lot of things.

"You've given me a lot of betrothal gifts. You don't have to give me so much anymore." Mu Xue helplessly looks at the man in front of him. He really has nothing to say to himself.

"Don't worry, I still have this money."