Mu Xue is helpless. What she wants to say is not this, OK? Besides Mengyao, as the biggest businessman in Xiaoguo, can he still have no money? But for him, the money is really not a problem.

"Take them all. They can leave some for grandpa and them." If it's Mu family, he is not willing to give it to them, but Lin family is good to Mu Xue, he can see it, so mu Xue wants to leave the bride price to them, he doesn't care about it at all.

Mu Xue was stunned and nodded: "thank you."

"No thanks between us."

After discussing the wedding date, Xiao Qitian went into the palace and said with emperor Fengdi that he was going to leave. He would go back to prepare for the wedding.

Xiao Qitian is going back. Ning Mengyao and them are going back. They are going back slowly. It's just time to attend the wedding.

"Xue and Tianchang have also gone back. If someone bullies you, remember not to be wronged, and so do you in the morning."

"Don't worry about us, you and Tianchang are careful."


Qiao Tianchang and his wife walked behind Xiao Qitian one day. They couldn't bear to bathe in snow when they left.

To this end, Lin Taifu and their funny joke: "after marriage, you want to see it every day, for fear that Qi Tian will be jealous."

"Grandpa." Mu Xue looks at them embarrassed. Her cheeks are red.

They laughed.

In the carriage, Ning Mengyao leaned on Qiao Tianchang and dawdled lightly: "I think we are coming to the wind country to make trouble." Isn't that trouble?

After damaging the prime minister's reputation, he left with a pat on his buttocks. It seems that It's not very kind.

Qiao Tianchang hugged people in his arms: "it's OK, he's doing it himself."

As long as he was a little better to the two at the beginning, there will be no such end today, so the good point is what they framed, and the bad point is what he asked for.

Ningmengyao blinked, then nodded seriously: "yes, it has nothing to do with us, it's all his fault."

Reaching for a point Ning Mengyao's head, Qiao Tianchang shakes his head and laughs. How could his wife be so lovely?

On the way, they can be described by traveling around the mountains and playing with water. Ningmengyao's sleepiness seems to be less outside. Now there are more and more baby movements. Qiao Tianchang always likes to lie on ningmengyao's stomach in the dead of night and listen to the faint heart beat in his stomach.

Occasionally the child will be very face, with the small arm calf touch his cheek.

After they returned to Xiaoguo, xiaoqitian's wedding was almost ready. At this time, xiaoqifeng said that Lingwu Houfu and lingguo planned to start at xiaoqitian's wedding.

This news makes Xiao Qitian's ruffian smile disappear, instead of ferocity.

"Dare to destroy my wedding, I will make them die ugly." Xiao Qitian spent a lot of time and energy for the wedding, just to give Mu Xue a perfect wedding.

"Don't worry, I won't let anyone disturb your wedding." Xiao Qifeng said coldly.

No one can ruin Qi Tian's wedding.

After returning from Fengguo, Xiao Qitian began to prepare for the wedding. No matter what, he had to ask himself in person and often asked his own opinions. From his attitude, Xiao Qifeng could see that he attached great importance to the wedding and Mu Xue.

What my brother attaches importance to, he will not be destroyed naturally.

"One more thing." Xiao Qifeng suddenly looks at Ning Mengyao.

"What is it?"

"Xiao Zixuan's child was killed by Ling Luo by mistake. It's said that the fuse is because of you, so she can't wait for you to die now. Be careful when you go out."

Ning Mengyao looks at Xiao Qifeng differently. Is that child gone?

"What's the matter?"

"I don't know much about this, but I know that after the child died, Xiao Zixuan seemed to be a different person. No matter how Lingluo apologized, she would not be seen. Not only that, she was like a walking corpse."

"I'll have it checked out." Ningmengyao thinks she's really wronged. What did you say she didn't do? I just went out for a visit, but when I came back, I was hated by others, but she didn't know what happened.