Xiao Qifeng said disgustedly, "Xiao Zixuan is just like a madman now. It's ok if she doesn't go out. When she goes out and sees a child over one year old, she will go crazy. She runs to rob the child with others. A few days ago, she won't get the news. She robbed two or three children of others. At last, she almost won't be killed."

This matter was covered by Lingwu Houfu very tightly, and all these things were solved with money, so outsiders didn't know about it.

Ning Mengyao frowned: "Xiao Zixuan's situation is very dangerous." This is what ningmengyao thinks of her.

Xiao Qifeng nodded: "yes, so now Lingluo and they all shut Xiao Zixuan up at home and won't let her go out."

"Lord Xiao doesn't care?"

"Xiao Yilin and Xiao Zixuan had already broken off their father daughter relationship."

Ning Mengyao understood. Now Xiao Zixuan is alone. No wonder she will be made into that ghost.

Ning Mengyao didn't think too much about it. She didn't care. That doesn't mean Qiao Tianchang didn't care. After he went back, he was stared at Xiao Zixuan. He couldn't leave at any time.

At the moment, Xiao Zixuan is sitting in her room, holding a doll with silver needles, the name of Ning Mengyao, and even the eight characters of her birthday.

"Princess Ning Mengyao has come back."

"Are you back? Look at him. " Now the people of ningmengyao are in the general's mansion. She has no way, but she doesn't believe that ningmengyao can stay in it forever.

Her children are gone because of the woman Ning Mengyao.

Think of Ling Luo because she said some bad things about Ning Mengyao, it's time to push the child against the table, so there is no child.

Ling Luo always said it was an accident, he didn't want to, ha ha, an accident? She has only baby now, but because his baby is gone, she has come to tell her that she can have it again.

But that's not her baby, and he only likes her baby.

She will not be so sour about this matter. She will surely pay the price for it. She will not have a child, nor will ningmengyao's bitch give birth to a child.

Lingluo also knows that ningmengyao is back. After thinking about it, Lingluo decides to go to the general's mansion.

It happened that when he arrived at the general's mansion, he saw ningmengyao and his wife going back from the outside, and they just walked to the door.

"Yao'er, wait a minute. I have something to tell you." See Ning Mengyao they pretended not to see their own, ready to go in, Ling Luo rushed to the past, under the consciousness to grasp Ning Mengyao's arm.

Aware of his action, Qiao Tianchang hugs Ning Mengyao in his arms and staggers Ling Luo's action: "Ling young master is self respecting."

Lingluo asked for no fun. He looked at Ning Mengyao and said, "Yao'er, I'm here to talk to you today. Be careful, Xiao Zixuan. She wants to fight you."

If you don't say it's OK, Qiao Tianchang's face will be very ugly.

Release hold Ning Mengyao's hand, Qiao Tianchang walked towards Ling Luo step by step, holding his collar, heavy is a fist.

"Why do you want Yao Yao to pay for what you do? Lingluo, who do you think you are? If anything happens to Yao Yao this time, I will let you add another chicken and dog. " He didn't just talk about it. If something happened to Ning Mengyao this time, he would really collapse.

Ningmengyao stood on one side with a cute look, which seemed to tell Lingluo that she was listening to Qiao Tianchang now.

"I......" Lingluo Yusai understood that it was really his problem. If it wasn't for his fault that the child would not die, Xiao Zixuan would not go mad and want to fight ningmengyao.

"Lingluo won't appear in front of us again. Every time I meet you, I feel like the beginning of my bad luck." Every time she met Lingluo, she would be unlucky, either to see the blood or to regret meeting the killer. So many times, she really felt enough.

"Yao'er, I I'm sorry. "

"You have nothing to say sorry to me, but your personal thoughts are different, and I can't control your thoughts because of my son." Tao is different from Lingluo. Maybe it's the relationship between her and Lingluo.