"Yes, besides this place, there is still here." Qiao Tianchang points to another place, which is better than that place just now, but it's not far from it. If this place is broken, then the other party can directly attack the capital, faster than that place just now.

"I'll arrange it right away."

"Go ahead, I'm going to the palace." Qiao Tianchang said helplessly.

As expected, it's better to live outside. You can play whatever you want. When you come back, you'll be under a lot of pressure. He's a general and needs to shoulder a lot of responsibilities.

After Lin Ziyou left, Qiao Tianchang also left.

Qiao Tianchang told Xiao Qifeng about his discovery. Xiao Qifeng's face changed slightly after hearing this: "I remember that the troops in these two places should be the most."

Because the positions of these two places are too easy to capture, he spent a lot of troops to guard the place.

"I'll let Ryan have a look." Qiao Tianchang reached out his hand and rubbed his eyebrows. If it was as they thought, Xiao would be suffering from internal and external troubles.

"It's up to you."

"I understand." Xiao Qifeng is not much less than him now.

Xiao Qifeng looked at Qiao Tianchang who left. The smile on his face disappeared: "go to find out what happened."


Xiao Qifeng took a deep breath, calmed his mood, and then put all his thoughts on the memorial.

Lei An receives Qiao Tianchang's order to go to the border. Ning Mengyao, who is slow because of her pregnancy, also finds something wrong with the atmosphere.

"Something's going to happen?"

"Eight or nine is not separated from ten. Don't worry, I will protect you."

"At the wedding of Qitian and muxue?" Ningmengyao frowned again.

Qiao Tianchang nodded, "well."

"They dare." If two people's wedding because of these people's accident, she will not let them go.

Reaching out and patting Ning Mengyao's shoulder, Qiao Tianchang coaxed: "don't worry, Qi Tian has his own idea, and he is not a soft persimmon."

For this wedding, Xiao Qitian is the most important one. How can people behave wildly on his wedding?

Ningmengyao turns to think about it, as if it is the same thing. Now she doesn't get angry, but comes to cheer Qiao Tianchang up. This makes Qiao Tianchang cry and laugh. This girl is really helpless.

The atmosphere in the capital is tense. Xiao Yilin has also found something there.

Originally, I was going to talk with Ning Mengyao in the general's mansion. Who knows that I met him on the way, but she was accompanied by several strange servant girls. From the sound of footsteps and eyes, the strength of these servant girls was not bad, but also very powerful.

"Mengyao, I want to talk to you about something alone."

"Say it." Ning Mengyao didn't like Xiao Yilin.

"Let's find a place to sit. It's not a place to talk." Xiao also said helplessly.

Ning Mengyao thought about it and nodded.

Follow Xiao Yilin to the opposite teahouse.

"Do you know where your mother is?" Knowing that Li's family is down and Li liner is dead, Xiao Yilin knows that they must know something.

"So what? It doesn't seem to have anything to do with you. " Ning Mengyao said impatiently.

Xiao Yilin helplessly looks at Ning Mengyao's attitude. Although he is unhappy, he is oppressed by himself.

"Mengyao is your uncle anyway. Shouldn't I care about your mother?" Xiao Yilin really didn't understand why Ning Mengyao was so resistant to his existence. Sometimes he just wanted to turn around when he met him.

Ning Mengyao looked at Xiao Yilin with a sneer: "if you just say this, I'm sorry. I don't have the time to listen to you. I have something else to do. Let's go."

"Wait a minute, I found out your mother may be in the Miao area." Xiao Yilin sees that Ning Mengyao is going to leave, so he quickly opens his mouth.

Ningmengyao turns to look at Xiao Yilin and squints slightly. What does this person mean?

"What do you want to say?"

"What I want to say is, can you let me go to ya'er with you?" In Xiao Yilin's heart, Xiao Chengya is an indelible pain.