Ning Mengyao didn't want Xiao Yilin to intervene at all, but he didn't know how to refute. He just looked at Xiao Yilin and didn't speak.

"I won't disturb your parents. I just want to see ya'er live well." Xiao also said with a bitter smile.

Even if he wants to do something, he has no qualification. They are brothers and sisters. They can't have such feelings. Even if they can, he has long lost the opportunity. He has so many women, and this is the last thing she likes.

"I know."

Xiao Yilin looks at Ning Mengyao. She is a little strange. She knows? What does that mean? No explanation.

"I'll go first if I'm ok." After talking with Xiao Yilin for a while, Ning Mengyao is ready to go back. If he doesn't go back, Tianchang should come to find someone.

However, as soon as she got up, Ning Mengyao found that her body was weak and weak. She held the table with her hands and looked at Xiao Yilin with sharp eyes: "do you calculate me?"

Xiao Yilin had no idea that things would turn out to be like this. He frowned tightly, and his expression was very ugly: "this one doesn't matter to me."

"No wonder you want me to stay here." There is no problem with anything here, but it's the incense in it and the bundle of snacks she ate just now. The combination of the two can make people feel weak.

At the same time, Ning Mengyao uses her internal power to suppress the toxins in her body, and her body gradually has strength.

At this time, several people in black jumped in from the window with long swords in their hands.

For Ning Mengyao, there are killing moves everywhere. Instead, he ignores Xiao Yilin on the edge.

Such a scene makes Ning Mengyao feel that it has a great relationship with Xiao Yilin.

Xiao Yilin's mind is suffering today.

"It really has nothing to do with me." Xiao Yilin explains.

Ningmengyao didn't mean to take care of Xiao Yilin. He kept dodging the attack of the other side, looked at the opportunity and threw a signal bomb outside.

Several maids waiting below, after hearing the sound, quickly went upstairs.

The door was kicked open from the outside. I saw the assassins who were moving towards Ning Mengyao's belly. Their faces were full of anger.

With the participation of these maids, the situation of one side falling just now has been controlled.

Xiao Yilin's reaction came at this time. He wanted to start.

At this time, Qiao Tianchang, who came here, flew in and saw that a man in black was going to attack ningmengyao. Ningmengyao was on her back.

Eyes a cold, flash past, put out his hand to put people into his arms, and then raised his foot a kick, directly to kick people to death.

"Tianchang, are you here?" Ningmengyao that is a grievance.

Qiao Tianchang reached out and rubbed Ning Mengyao's big head. He was very distressed. "It's OK. I'm here."

"Well, I believe you." Ning Mengyao nodded.

"Keep your mouth open." He wants to see who dares to do it to his wife and children.

These words just fall, those people seem to know that the task can't be completed, and they commit suicide directly. They didn't even leave a chance for Qiao Tianchang.

Qiao Tianchang looks at the people lying on the ground. His eyes turn cold. They all deserve to die.


Ningmengyao leans on Qiao Tianchang's arms and feels the fire in his heart. Ningmengyao's hand is around his waist and comforts him silently.

"My uncle is a private guard."

"A token was found on them." Then he put the token in Qiao Tianchang's hand.

Qiao Tianchang took the token and looked at it. The token was really too familiar for him.

Xiao Yilin's face changed greatly when he saw the token, and his eyes were full of disbelief.

"Lord Xiao, I am waiting for your explanation." Yao Yao is kind enough to chat with him. Now it's OK. He was assassinated by the dark guard of the little prince's mansion. Xiao Yilin didn't respond at all. He was just too deceiving.

Qiao Tianchang stooped to pick up Ning Mengyao, didn't give Xiao Yilin a chance to talk, and walked away.

Xiao Yilin reaches out his hand and rubs his eyebrow. Although these people are the dark guards of the Lord Xiao's mansion, they are not his people. The only possibility is that they are the people sent by Xiao Zixuan to kill Ning Mengyao.