In lingwuhou's mansion, Xiao Zixuan has been waiting for the following people to return, but she hasn't waited for a long time, not even a bit of news.

It wasn't until the next day that Xiao Zixuan received the news that all those people had been killed by Qiao Tianchang.

"It's all rubbish." Xiao Zixuan smashed the quilt into the ground.

She spent so much energy to arrange this matter, and now she was messed up by others, which was simply unacceptable to him.

"Damn it, all of it." It was Xiao Yilin who broke her plan. If it wasn't Xiao Yilin, how could Ning Mengyao wait for Qiao Tianchang? If it wasn't for Xiao Yilin, Ning Mengyao would be dead now.

All this is Xiao Yilin's fault.


"Get out of here." The following people were coaxed out by Xiao Zixuan before they spoke.

"Xiao Zixuan, you are so brave." Xiao Yilin comes in and hears Xiao Zixuan say such words. Her face is gloomy and terrible.

When did Xiao Zixuan become like this? When did that clever child become this cruel and heartless woman?

"Well, are you here to blame me? If it's trouble for you to leave, I have nothing to do with you now. I don't want to see you. " Xiao Zixuan looks at Xiao Yilin coldly. She has already torn her face with Xiao Yilin. Why does she have to make a fool of herself here?

"Do you know what a disaster it was? At this time, I don't know how to repent. " Xiao also looked at Xiao Zixuan sadly, only disappointed with her.

Xiao Zixuan laughed, and the laughter was crazy: "so what? I don't care about that at all, Xiao Yilin. Do you think that can protect that woman? I tell you, as long as I am alive, I will kill her and avenge my children. "

"If you want revenge, go to find Ling Luo. What did Mengyao do to apologize to you?" The death of the child was an accident, but Xiao Zixuan put all the responsibilities on Ning Mengyao, which was really unreasonable.

Xiao Yilin came here today to see why Xiao Zixuan wanted to assassinate others, but now she saw her arrogance. She couldn't bear it. She slapped her face.

"Xiao Zixuan, you really let me down." Xiao also looked at Xiao Zixuan coldly.

"You beat me. Just shoot me. Don't think I don't know. You can't wait to kill me now." Xiao Zixuan said with a sneer.

Xiao Yilin took a deep breath, put down the fire in his heart, and said angrily, "I really wish I could kill you directly."

"But what qualifications do you have, and what reasons do you have to kill me?"

Xiao Yilin looks at Xiao Zixuan and says nothing. The suddenly quiet appearance makes Xiao Zixuan frown.

"Since you can't control yourself, I'll help you." Said to go to Xiao Zixuan's side, hands on Xiao Zixuan's shoulder, a heavy pinch, Xiao Zixuan screamed out, hands so broken.

He didn't believe that Xiao Zixuan could do anything else when he broke his hands and feet.

Pinched by life, Xiao Zixuan looks pale.

Xiao Yilin looked at Xiao Zixuan's hatred: "I don't know you now, you will die even worse."

Qiao Tianchang, the man who loves his wife to the bone, doesn't know whether he can save her life after doing so.

"I swear that I will make sure that the royal residence of Xiao will never be destroyed. You owe me all this." Xiao Zixuan's vicious curse.

"Look after the princess. If something like this happens again, die."

"It's the Lord."

Those people who came to serve Xiao Zixuan from the Lord Xiao's residence all had a bitter look on their faces. If they continue like this, they will not live as if they were dead.

There is a princess like this, they are really worse than death.

Now that the original master has come to say such things to them, isn't it a dilemma for them?

Xiao Zixuan looks at Xiao Yilin's ruthlessness, guilt and a little warmth in her heart, all of which are gone at this moment.

A pair of hands and feet, also his nurturing grace, from now on they will not die.