Listening to the voices of the people, Xiao Yilin's face was not good.

"Look, everyone doesn't think there's any problem with this general's behavior. At that time, Lord Xiao's behavior will be a king's demeanor.

Looking at all the noisy ministers below, Xiao Qifeng's face, with a warm smile, turned blue.


Xiao Qifeng's voice is not very loud, but people also listen clearly. Subconsciously, they look at Xiao Qifeng and see his face is very ugly. Now they are all quiet and dare not say more.

"Pardon the emperor."

Xiao Qifeng looked at Xiao Yilin and said, "Tianchang, do it yourself." At first, he wanted to be a peacemaker, but now it seems that it is totally unnecessary.

Qiao Tianchang's eyebrows are frivolous. That's what he's waiting for.


Xiao Yilin looks at Xiao Qifeng. His face is very ugly. His expression is full of anger.

For Xiao Yilin, such a decision is that he is right and still faces everyone.

After retiring, Xiao Yilin looked at Qiao Tianchang, who was sitting on the side, and said coldly, "do you think this can deal with the house of King Xiao? Naive. "

"It's not naive, we'll see." Qiao Tianchang said, and left without looking back.

Ningmengyao leaned on Qiao Tianchang's leg, listened to his words, and sneered, "Tianchang, do you think Xiao Yilin has any chips?" You can't do that without chips.

In front of all the ministers, it's ridiculous to contradict the emperor, but Xiao Qifeng didn't do it, instead, he gave it to them.

Besides trying to give them face, I'm afraid there are other reasons.

Qiao Tianchang frowned slightly: "what do you mean?"

"I'm just guessing." Ning Mengyao touched her nose and said sheepishly.

Qiao Tianchang reached out and touched Ning Mengyao's round cheeks, with a faint smile on the corner of his mouth: "maybe your guess is true."

Ning Mengyao blinked and looked at Qiao Tianchang incomprehensibly: "what do you mean?"

"It's nothing. Your task now is to take care of yourself and your children. I'm the other one." One sentence has me, propped up Ning Mengyao's day.

Ningmengyao smiled and nodded: "well, I'll wait and see."


After Xiao Yilin returned to the palace, he made a series of orders.

In this case, the bookcase in the study suddenly moved away from the side, and an ugly one came out. If Ning Mengyao were there, they would surely recognize this person as Nangong Yue.

Seeing Nangong moon, Xiao Yilin's expression didn't change much.

"It seems that Lord Xiao has made a decision." What happened in Jinluan hall today, nangongyue obviously already knows.

Xiao also looked at Nangong moon coldly, with a bloodthirsty expression: "I hope Nangong prince can do what he promised to do."

"It's natural." Nangong moon raised her eyebrows and smiled, but the smile was a little weird, but Xiao Yilin didn't see it.

Since Xiao Zixuan's limbs were broken by Lord Xiao, many people in Lingwu's mansion have been at the mercy of the wind. If not for her dowry, I'm afraid she has become a pair of empty shells now.

The people who serve Xiao Zixuan are all sincere servants. Now they are suffering from impatience.

In a good time, Xiao Zixuan is particularly capable of tossing people. Now that someone has an accident, his ability to toss people is even more powerful.

Almost all of them will be scolded, and several maids will be asked by Xiao Zixuan to self injure. If she doesn't do it, she will let dark Wei do it.

Once or twice they can resist, but more times they know that the more they resist, the more miserable Xiao Zixuan will make them.

Because of the existence of dark Wei, they dare not disrespect Xiao Zixuan. They can only bear the abuse of Xiao Zixuan in silence, but they have endured to the limit.

In normal times, she would try her best not to go to Xiao Zixuan. Rao is so. Xiao Zixuan still tries her best to make trouble for them.

Lingluo came in from the outside and heard the scream from the inside, which made him frown.