When they saw Lingluo coming, they thought they were all saved.

Ling Luo pushed the door and walked in. She saw Xiao Zixuan sitting on the chair. There was a dark guard with a whip with a barb in his hand. On the ground, there were two maids kneeling all over. They were all bloody with whip marks.

His face was pale, and there was a look of forbearance.

The arrival of Lingluo surprised Xiao Zixuan, but she didn't care. Looking at Lingluo, Xiao Zixuan smiled strangely: "what are you doing?"

"What are you doing?" Lingluo's brow was full of green tendons. Xiao Zixuan had never been like this before, but now she has become so cruel.

"What to do? Do I need you to ask if I can punish my maid? " Xiao Zixuan looks at Ling Luo lightly, and her eyes are biting hatred.

Ling Luo looks at Xiao Zixuan with a headache: "do you hate me?"

"Shouldn't you hate it?" Xiao Zixuan looks at Ling Luo with a sneer.

"How did you become like this." Ling Luo has no way to accept the change of Xiao Zixuan.

Xiao Zixuan then looked at Ling Luo and said, "I've become this because of you. I'll make it this way. It's all because of you, Ling Luo. Now you tell me, how can I become this way?"

In the face of Lingluo's accusation, Xiao Zixuan thinks it's ridiculous. Why does this man accuse her like this? What is his qualification to do such a thing?

"They are innocent."

"They're innocent? Isn't my child innocent? " Xiao Zixuan is stimulated by Lingluo's words. Her eyes are full of hate and she looks at Lingluo. Her voice is hoarse and hard to hear.

Ling Luo frowned tightly. If Xiao Zixuan didn't do anything to Ning Mengyao, he still wanted to go on living with her. But since the child died, she became very unreasonable.

"Xiao Zixuan, you are so unreasonable now. I will try to cure you, but I hope you won't do anything to them. It won't do you any good." These people are all loyal to Xiao Zixuan, but now because of all that Xiao Zixuan has done, everything has changed. Look at the eyes of these maids, although they bear it, the hatred in the eyes is so obvious.

Xiao Zixuan laughs at Ling Luo and says, "I don't need your hypocrisy. Ling Luo will make you regret it."

Ling Luo frowned at Xiao Zixuan: "what do you want to do?"

"What to do? You will soon know. " Xiao Zixuan laughed.

Her appearance made Lingluo feel uneasy, her eyes narrowed slightly, and her eyes began to cool.

When Ling Luo left, he asked people to look at the yard. If there was any change, they immediately reported it. Those who had escaped for a while because of him were punished more severely, especially the two maids around him. When Xiao Zixuan stopped, they didn't even have a piece of good meat on their bodies. They were covered with whip marks.

Xiao Zixuan looked at them and said coldly, "you are my people. It's the end if you dare to have a different heart." Xiao Zixuan's words whitened the faces of several people present.


Xiao Zixuan looked at the figure they left, and her eyes became cold.

She's not good, and no one else can think of it.

"All the evidence you collected about the things that Lingwu Houfu did will be stabbed to the emperor." Xiao Zixuan looked at the man in black who was wearing strong clothes on the side and gave a cold order.


Two days later, Xiao Qifeng recruited Qiao Tianchang and Xiao Qitian into the palace to show them the mysterious things on his desk.

They know all these things, but now someone has sent such a piece of evidence. He is more curious about who did it.

Qiao Tianchang looked at the evidence and thought: "it seems that some people also want to make Lingwu Houfu unlucky."

"This is in addition to Lingwu Houfu." Xiao Qifeng took out another one.

Qiao Tianchang's eyes flashed: "Prince Xiao's house?"