Xiao Qifeng nodded, although they all know these things, but who in the end would hate these two people so much? It's the way to deal with them.

Qiao Tianchang suddenly thought of a man: "would it be Xiao Zixuan?"

Xiao Qifeng was shocked, then shook his head: "no way, these Xiao Zixuan should not know."

"In her hand, she has the dark Wei that King Xiao's mansion took. Not only that, but also that, she had been ruined by Xiao Yilin before." A woman like Xiao Zixuan is not so broad-minded. It's no surprise that she will do such a thing.

Xiao Qifeng looked at Qiao Tianchang in shock: "do you think he gave up Xiao Zixuan? Why? Didn't he break up with Xiao Zixuan? "

How can we still fight against others in this way? That's not true.

Qiao Tianchang sneered and said, "in fact, he is protecting Xiao Zixuan. Isn't that why he broke into the general's mansion before?"

Just because they want to tell them about it, but they can't go in, so they just rush in.

Xiao Qifeng still felt very surprised: "since the relationship has been severed, it is not his own daughter, as for it?"

"Even if it's a pet, it will have feelings after more than ten years of keeping. Besides, it's a person who has been doting on it all the time." Qiao Tianchang said disapprovingly.

Xiao Qifeng nodded and thought in his eyes. If so, he was really curious about what the two families would look like when they saw this.

The next morning when he went to the court, Xiao Qifeng showed the evidence to lingwuhou and Lord Xiao, and of course, the ministers of the court also saw it.

After seeing these things, the two families' faces changed a lot, especially in the Lingwu mansion. They even had secret orders to go to the secret army of the state of Xiao.

"The emperor clearly observed that this was a defamation at all."

"Defamation? I don't think so? " Xiao Qifeng means to look at Lingwu marquis.

Lingwuhou is not sure. What does xiaoqifeng mean, but he still keeps saying his wishes.

Xiao Qitian looked at Lingwu Hou's mouth and raised an evil smile: "I got a message some time ago that Lingwu Hou pretended to go to lingguo during the Spring Festival. I don't know whether it's true or not."

Lingwuhou's eyelids jumped. He looked at Xiao Qitian uncertainly: "I don't know where the king of Qi heard that? I was at home all that time. "

"At home? I don't think so? The customs clearance record should be found there. Lingwuhou said you are at home. Do you want us to check it? " Xiao Qitian said with a smile, a casual look.

Lingwu Hou's face changed and he knelt on the ground immediately: "the emperor clearly observed that the minister was really at home at that time."

Xiao Qifeng looked at lingwuhou and said, "at home?"


Qiao Tianchang looked at Lingwu Marquis's cold sweat: "Marquis seems to be very hot. It's just the beginning of spring, so much sweat has been shed."

Lingwu Hou subconsciously touched his face and began to feel wet.

Xiao Qitian watched Lingwu Hou Tut and said: "it's true that he has to wear a lot of clothes now. Hou Ye is sweating all the time, and he's still shaking. Is he so nervous?"

Xiao Qitian and Qiao Tianchang said to me that lingwuhou had nothing to say. He looked at them and said, "king Qi doesn't know how the old minister offended you. Do you want to do this to me?"

Xiao Qitian was delighted by lingwuhou's appearance: "is this Wang's needle right for you? What are you worthy of the king's attention? "

In front of the evidence, this man has the ability to tell the truth. He's really admired. He's a real liar.

Xiao Qifeng sat on it and didn't speak. At this time, King Xiao suddenly said, "this is a frame up."

What does Qiao Tianchang want to say? Xiao Qifeng looks at him. Qiao Tianchang nods clearly: "frame? Let's have an investigation. "

"That's right. I'll leave it to the general of the town and you two, Zuo Xiang." Xiao Qifeng said directly, regardless of Xiao Yilin's ugly face.

"The minister obeyed." Qiao Tianchang and Chen Feng knelt on the ground at the same time.