"Nature won't let them go." How could they let these people go?

After an afternoon's discussion, the two decided to work together.

When they launched an investigation into Prince Xiao's residence, Xiao Yilin looked at nangongyue and said, "let's move ahead."

"Why?" Nangongyue frowns. It's the best time for xiaoqitian to get married. Now, it's not the right time to start, and the risk factor will increase.

Lingwuhou had a calm face and looked at nangongyue with tired eyes: "if we don't get married in advance, I'm afraid we will be wiped out by the emperor."

"What's the matter?" Nangong Yue didn't know what happened today. She frowned at them.

"Some people poked some things in the back of lingwuhou mansion and xiaowangfu to the emperor. Even if we are OK now, he sent Zuo Xiang and Qiao Tianchang to investigate us. According to Qiao Tianchang's current influence, it's only a matter of time before he can find out." If it's just Qiao Tianchang's power, they are confident that they can block some time, but there is tongbaozhai behind him. Everyone knows that besides business, tongbaozhai's most powerful is the intelligence system. After all, they have a special place to buy and sell intelligence.

Xiao Yilin nodded: "the Marquis is right. If they don't do it again, we won't have a chance to do it until they find out."

Nangong month glared at two people: "who in the world stabbed those things in front of Xiao Qifeng?"

"I don't know."

Nangong Yue is pacing around in situ. Do you want to wait until then, or do you want to find a chance to do it now?

See Nangong month frown to consider, two people also did not interpose, their idea is to start now.

Nangong Yue, of course, knew what they meant. After thinking about it, he decided to go back: "in this case, I will send a letter back first, and then I will start to work."

The hummingbird can go back in three days, and it will take about six days to come back. They only need to stop Qiao Tianchang in these six days.

Ling Wuhou thought for a moment and said, "then I should get that army."

Lord Xiao took a look at Marquis Lingwu. He had some accidents in his eyes. Unexpectedly, he found the army.

"I'm in charge of catching Ning Mengyao." Xiao also said in a cold voice.

In case of emergency, Ning Mengyao has a chip in their hands.

Their eyes fell on Xiao Yilin at the same time. Seeing that he was serious, he didn't look like joking. They immediately raised their eyebrows.

"The guards in the general's mansion must be very tight. Are you sure you can do it?" With Xiao Yilin's energy of breaking into the general's mansion and being seriously injured, lingwuhou really doesn't like it.

Naturally, Xiao Yilin saw the disbelief in the eyes of marquis Ling: "I didn't say to go alone."

Ling Wuhou has nothing to say.

After the discussion, lingwuhou quietly left the xiaowangfu, but he didn't know that there was a man behind him.

Nangong Yue looks at Xiao Yilin and says, "you can catch Ning Mengyao, but you'd better not hurt her, or the people in tongbaozhai will go crazy, and no one will be better."

It's not a good thing that he doesn't want to fight tongbaozhai after dealing with them.

Xiao Yilin glanced at Nangong Yue and said, "I don't need you to tell me what to do."

Anyway, it's all ya'er's daughter. How could he hurt ya'er's children.

"Want to catch me? Let them never return. " Ningmengyao listened to the spy's return and snorted coldly.

She's not mobile right now. She's not disabled yet.

"If they dare to come, the old man will let them die miserably." As soon as old black man heard that someone was going to deal with Ning Mengyao, he immediately blew up.

Ningmengyao nodded: "Grandpa black has more poisons to prepare, but our people have to prepare some antidotes."

In fact, the most powerful thing of black old man is not medicine, but making poison. Green frost can make those strange poisons. That's because he got the true story of black old man.

"You can also prepare some insects." The silent South Island on the side suddenly opened its mouth.

Qingshuang's eyes brightened: "yes, there are many insects in Nanyu's hands."