Ningmengyao's eyelids jumped, looking at Qingshuang's excited appearance and powerless forehead. Why did she become such a simple girl when she met Nanyu? People are not only black, but also more cruel.

Piansheng Nan Yu didn't feel it, but thought she was so good. So under the doting of Nan Yu, Qingshuang became more and more afraid. Of course, for others, no matter how Qingshuang changed, it still looks like this.

"Can Qingshuang keep away from demagogues?" Those little things feel gooseflesh when they think about it. She really doesn't like it.

Qingshuang blinked and looked at ningmengyao innocently: "how lovely they are. People in the xiaowangfu should like them."

Ningmengyao almost smashed her head on the table and looked at Nanyu for a long time: "Nanyu, you will return my pure Qingshuang and see what it will become after you get married."

Nanyu looked at ningmengyao seriously: "I think she's very good. She doesn't need anything."

Ningmengyao's body is askew and almost falls down. Is this still the man who doesn't say anything? Is he silent?

Old black man looked at Nanyu with satisfaction: "I also think xiaoqingshuang is so good."

Ning Mengyao looks at them speechless. Is she just saying something?

Since knowing that Xiao Yilin will come to the palace to take her prisoner, the general's house is always on guard. There are poisonous fog everywhere. The general's house has not seen any guests since a few days ago. All the people in it have taken the antidote pill given by old black man.

That night, in the middle of the night, ten or so figures galloped towards here. Qiao Tianchang opened his eyes and looked at the sweet sleeping Ning Mengyao.

Because of the fear that the poisonous fog will affect the children, their yard is not poisonous, but there are all kinds of insects, but these little things are very peaceful under the suppression of the Gu king.

But this evening, the insects began to stir.

Qiao Tianchang sat by the bed waiting for Xiao Yilin's arrival, and Nan Yu arrived in the yard at the first time.

There was a fighting voice outside. Qiao Tianchang knew that he had started fighting outside.

Ningmengyao is woken up, looking at Qiao Tianchang sitting beside the bed, stretching out his hand and rubbing his eyes: "they have come?"

"Well, here we are."

"It's finally here. Since it's here, they all don't want to leave." Ning Mengyao said casually.

Qiao Tianchang smiled and didn't speak, but the expression on his face was the same as that of Ning Mengyao. Since they have come, they should stay and don't go.

As soon as Xiao Yilin entered the general's mansion, he arrived in their courtyard.

"Since Lord Xiao has come, why should he hide?" Qiao Tianchang went out, looked at Xiao Yilin hiding somewhere, said with a sneer.

Xiao Yilin's eyes were cold. Just about to speak, a few people in black came in from the side.

Seeing these people, Xiao Yilin was relieved.

Xiao Yilin appears in the room when Qiao Tianchang is entangled. To his surprise, there is no one in the bed. It's empty.

Ning Mengyao behind the door came out and looked at Xiao Yilin: "I don't know what Lord Xiao is looking for? Is it looking for me? "

Xiao Yilin turns his head fiercely and looks at Ning Mengyao. His eyes flicker slightly: "follow me to keep you alive."

Ning Mengyao looks at Xiao Yilin sarcastically as if he heard some jokes: "protect me from death? Where do you dare to say that, Xiao Yilin? "

Xiao Yilin didn't answer Ning Mengyao's words. Instead, he moved forward.

Before he met Ning Mengyao, Xiao Yilin was stopped by someone who was Nanyu.

"Want to deal with my sister-in-law? Pass me first. " Nanyu stood in front of ningmengyao and turned to tell her, "be careful, sister-in-law."

"Don't worry."

Xiao Yilin didn't expect that there was another person in the room, and he was full of strange things.

I don't want to do so much. Xiao Yilin started directly and dragged them on. It's not good for them. But how can the people outside still not come to take over? What's the matter?

Seeing Xiao Yilin, Nanyu was still distracted at this time, and snorted coldly: "wait for your man again? I'm really sorry. They're all dead at this time. "