Xiao Yilin's face changed: "impossible."

"Do you know why the general's office closed its doors these days? Because the general's house is out of this yard, and all places are highly poisonous. " When Ning Mengyao saw Xiao Yilin and didn't believe it, he said the reason.

Xiao Yilin's face changed a lot. They poisoned the house.

This cognition made Xiao Yilin's movement more rapid. However, he could not touch ningmengyao every time, but was suppressed by Nanyu. He didn't even have time to leave.

"Lord Xiao wants to know what we have prepared for you?" Ning Mengyao stood at one side and blocked Xiao Yilin: "it's Gu insects, many of them are Gu insects. What do you think it would be like if those insects crawled on you? This feeling must be very strange, right? "

Xiao Yilin takes a look at Ning Mengyao. Seeing that she is not lying, he immediately wants to leave.

"I want to leave at this time? Don't think it's too late? " Ning Mengyao snorts coldly.

At the same time, the voice of Zissou and the scream came from outside.

Xiao Yilin's face changed greatly, knowing that all the people he brought were dead.

Qiao Tianchang comes in from the outside and sees Ning Mengyao standing there intact. He is relieved now.

"Live." Qiao Tianchang looked at Xiao Yilin bloodthirsty and smiled coldly. Anyone who dared to fight against the general's office would die.

Xiao Yilin knew that he couldn't catch anyone today, so he flashed out and saw the white bones on the ground and the small insects on them as soon as he went out.

The rest insect was only the size of mung bean, but after eating a few people's meat, it has grown to the size of thumb. The white bones and black insects are disgusting at all.

Nanyu urges those insects to attack Xiao Yilin. There are many of them. Xiao Yilin can't get rid of them in the end even if he doesn't leave. If Nanyu didn't suppress those insects in the last emergency, he would be on the old road of dark guard now.

Nanyu looks at Xiao Yilin on the ground and takes all the insects back.

Seeing this scene, Xiao Yilin's face was very ugly: "you are from Miao."

Nan Yu even spoke to Xiao Yilin with disdain.

"Take it to the dungeon. If you can catch Yao Yao today, it means that there is not much time for the rebellion of Lingwu Houfu." Qiao Tianchang looked out and said thoughtfully.

It seems that because of this incident, people in lingwuhou mansion can't wait.

It's also true that we all know that it's only time for them to check the evidence.

They probably thought that they couldn't wait for Xiao Qitian's wedding, so they decided to start ahead of time.

Xiao Yilin's face changed. As soon as he was about to speak, he was taken away by Nanyu.

After the treatment here, Qiao Tianchang takes Ning Mengyao to the front yard, where the treatment has been completed, and there is no body left.

Looking at those places tut twice, Ning Mengyao shook her head and said: "how cruel, none of them have gone back."

"You are a dead girl. You don't think about who we are for, but you are still here. Be careful that we beat you."

Busy in the middle of the night, I even heard the girl's sarcastic remarks. The black old man almost jumped up.

White black old man a look: "black grandfather remembers tomorrow to the poison in the house to solve, since the matter has been done, then go to rest, big midnight."

Black old man looked at ningmengyao, who was indifferent and hung up high, and he was angry.

"You dead girl, I......"

Don't wait for the black old man to finish talking, Qiao Tianchang has already taken the lead, turned around and left, and didn't even give the black old man face.

The old man's eyelids were jumping because of the couple's anger. Can these two people take care of him?

The next day Qiao Tianchang arranged the affairs in the palace and went to the palace. He told Xiao Qifeng about last night's affairs.

"It seems that they can't help it." Xiao Qifeng sneered.

"That's right, but you can take this opportunity to see how many people in the court are out of mind." It's also good to clean up people at this time.

Xiao Qifeng nodded: "I think so too. Some people are beginning to feel uneasy."