It seems that he has been kind for a long time, so he let those people forget their own means. This time, he just let them review it without paying.

"Are you ready?" Qiao Tianchang looks at Xiao Qifeng.

"It's natural. Some people I wanted to change for a long time." Too many people in the court depend on the old to sell the old. A one-time change will inevitably cause their dissatisfaction. They simply look for this opportunity to change people.

"Then let them be arrogant." Qiao Tianchang said naturally.

Xiao Qifeng laughingly looked at Qiao Tianchang: "look at lingwuhou's expression. What expression would you say if he knew that the secret order in his hand was fake?"

Qiao Tianchang also smiled, what expression? It's quite a natural thing.

Three days later, the imperial court suddenly reported that the line was busy and that the army of the state of Ling was pressing the border.

"Do you think it's war or harmony?"

"War, of course."

"Better make up."

The main battle is the generals, and the main and the ministers are all literati.

Qiao Tianchang sneered at those who asked for peace, with anger on his face: "this man has come to the door, and you ask for peace?"

"Is it in vain that we practice so long?" With Qiao Tianchang's opening, the generals also opened their mouths one by one, dissatisfied with Wen Chen.

When Prime Minister Wei looked at it, he immediately opened his mouth: "emperor, wechat officials feel that fighting words cost people money. Not only that, Xiao guojust suffered a heavy blow a few years ago, I'm afraid..."

Later, they didn't say anything, but they also understood what Prime Minister Wei meant.

Xiao Qifeng ignored Prime Minister Wei, but looked at Chen Feng: "what do you think of the left?"

Chen Feng came out: "Weichen feels that he can fight. If he wants to make peace, he will not necessarily satisfy the other side, but will make the other side more arrogant. At the same time, he will make all countries despise Xiaoguo."

"Minister seconded." The emperor's Diezhong faction came out and agreed to fight.

"If it's a fight, who do you think is the best one?"

"I'd like to take your order." This is another general. He has a very good relationship with Qiao Tianchang. He knows that his wife is already in the black, so he starts first.

Qiao Tianchang naturally knew his idea, and immediately said, "I'll let Ryan and Lin Ziyou go together."

"Well, in this case, General Liu is at your command to make you commander-in-chief, Lin Ziyou the military division, and Lei an the pioneer general. I will leave today."

"Minister leads the order."

This time, Prime Minister Wei, as the leader and Minister of literature, played a subtle role in the court, and people were dissatisfied with them.

That night, Qiao Tianchang called Lin Ziyou and Lei an in front of him and told them to cooperate with General Liu.

"Don't worry, boss. We fought with Lao Liu. No problem." Ryan clapped his chest and promised.

Qiao Tianchang nodded reassuringly: "this time, Qi Tian and I are responsible for the military funds. You can fight boldly without worry. We are not enough here, and your sister-in-law is there."

"We can rest assured that we have a boss."

The biggest fear of marching in battle is not going to fight the enemy, but the lack of military resources in the rear area. Since Qiao Tianchang and Xiao Qitian are responsible for this battle, they need not worry about it. Besides, they also have the local tyrant, their sister-in-law, who will be OK at that time.

The next day, Lin Ziyou and General Liu went to the border with 300000 troops, and Xiao Qifeng practiced for them.

Lingwuhou looked at the army's departure, and his eyes were full of coldness. Although Qiao Tianchang didn't leave, it didn't affect anything.

Ling Luo looked at Ling Wuhou and said, "Dad, I always think something is wrong with this." When Ling Wuhou told Ling Luo to do something, Ling Luo frowned and said.

He is very sensitive to crisis awareness. This time, he felt very bad and always felt that something would happen.

"What can I do for you? Most of Xiao Qifeng's energy will definitely be on the battlefield. As for us, he doesn't have the time and energy. " Although Xiao Qitian has been doing business and making money in recent years, the Treasury will not be so full. As long as there is a problem with military funds, when will the battle be fought is not certain.

Lingluo looked at his father: "Dad, you forget that they have another ningmengyao."