At this time, ningmengyao can't tell these people about justice or fighting alone. Qingxuan and her subordinates are her friends. Naturally, she won't watch Qingxuan and their injuries.

The people on the edge wanted to do it for a long time, but because of the safety of ningmengyao, they didn't move. Now, the most important thing for them is the safety of ningmengyao. Naturally, they don't go back to do anything.

One of them got the order from Ning Mengyao, looked at the right time, and attacked Lingluo from the back. Lingluo didn't check it, but got a fist.

Seeing Lingluo spits blood, Ning Mengyao is not guilty and sad at all, but silent and indifferent.

This kind of indifference makes Ling Luo's heart warm and cool.

"Yao'er, you really have changed. Since you have changed, I don't need to keep this feeling." For ningmengyao Lingluo, he always resisted her. No matter what, he hoped that ningmengyao would be fine.

But now Ning Mengyao can let his own people to fight against him. What does that mean? It shows that she has no feelings for herself at all.

Ningmengyao looks at Lingluo expressionless, but she sneers at her heart. When did he go to keep this feeling? Now, it's just that I don't like it. What's worse than Qiao Tianchang? There is no place like Joe Tianchang. Why can Joe Tianchang have so many things? He doesn't have them.

Lingluo is ready for more words. When she meets people like ningmengyao, she can't say it. Lingluo suddenly turns red and looks at the monstrous eyes. Ningmengyao is worried.

"Be careful, sister-in-law. There are insects in this man's body." Looking at Lingluo's state, Nanyu was completely controlled by Gu Chong: "my sister-in-law is a little away from Lingluo, he is not a normal person now."

"What do you mean?" said Ning Mengyao

"He can only be a demagogue now." Lingluo's body is full of demagogues, and it's almost out of control.

"Take your sister-in-law away." Nanyu was worried that Lingluo suddenly went mad and hurt ningmengyao, so she immediately told people to send ningmengyao away.

It was at this time that Ling Luo suddenly rushed to Ning Mengyao, with a ferocious smile on his face: "die with me."

Seeing Lingluo like this, Nanyu did not dare to be careless and hurriedly urged the Gu king in her body.

There is Gu Wang's suppression. Lingluo's Scarlet eyes gradually disappear. Looking at Nanyu, they are also afraid: "how can you have Gu Wang? Hasn't Gu Wang disappeared for many years? "

Nanyu glanced at Lingluo and said, "it seems that you have a great relationship with miaojiang, but what you hide is deep enough."

Ningmengyao didn't expect Lingluo to have something to do with Miao. Now her face changed: "Lingluo, you have something to do with those people?"

Ling Luo looks at Ning Mengyao sarcastically: "so what?" He did things for power, for status, but all these things are now gone, and still destroyed in the hands of the woman he once loved.

"Yao'er, let's die together." Lingluo suddenly said such a sentence, at the same time, his body was like a shell, and he came to ningmengyao at a gallop. It was like he died with ningmengyao.

Nanyu was ready when Lingluo was about to get close to them. When Lingluo was about to get close to them, she jumped and kicked Lingluo. Lingluo's whole body flew backwards. Now Lingluo's mouth was smiling with success.

Aware of the mistake, Nanyu quickly turned around and saw a man sneaking in from behind Ning Mengyao: "be careful, sister-in-law."

When Ning Mengyao heard the figure turn around, she saw a man in black flying towards him with a long sword, but she stopped him.

When the sword was about to pierce her chest, Ning Mengyao suddenly stretched out his middle finger and index finger to clamp the tip of the sword. The other side knew something was wrong and it was too late to take it away.

Ning Mengyao looked at the man in Black: "in fact, I'm not very kind."