Then Ning Mengyao's movements flashed. The sword of the other side had reached her hand. With a wave of her hand, the other side fell on the ground so straight.

Lingluo, who was expecting to succeed, stared at the scene.

Ningmengyao's skill is very clear to him. It's impossible for her to do so. We need to know that her martial arts are still taught by him.

"You How could it be? "

"Surprised? In fact, I'm also surprised. After all, these things have been involved before I met you. " Ningmengyao light mouth.

She met Lingluo in the second year of crossing. In the year of crossing, she knew Yufeng, and then meiruolin. Later, they liked her very much and began to teach her martial arts, but she could not control well, so they were sealed up.

Ling Luo couldn't believe looking at Ning Mengyao. He always felt sorry for Ning Mengyao and cheated her a lot. Especially when they were still in good relationship, he had other women, but he didn't tell him.

Different from her, Lingluo was only a child of several years old when she crossed. When she met Lingluo, she was 14 or 15 years old. At that time, his mother had already given her to her, and he also felt that ningmengyao would not follow her, so he let her go.

Who knows that he met ningmengyao, who had passed through the past year, at that time, he felt very sorry for ningmengyao, so he also had more compensation for her. Until later, Xiao Zixuan's affair was really beyond concealment, which was what he said.

At that time, with a fluke mentality, he thought that he changed his insistence and became an ancient man. He thought that Ning Mengyao must be the same, and he could accept three wives and four concubines.

Who knows that she is still the same as before, so arrogant, so arrogant, so that the two separated.

Another meeting has changed things. Doesn't that confirm that sentence? The vicissitudes of life, but in a blink of an eye, just like the feelings between them.

"I always thought that I lied to you a lot. Who ever thought that you were the one with the most secrets?" Lingluo laughed at herself.

At that time, she never thought that ningmengyao would have such a powerful force. He asked people to investigate ningmengyao, but he didn't find out anything. As for tongbaozhai, which is rising slowly, because it has something to do with Yulin mountain villa and there are so many business wizards in the world, it's not impossible, so there is no doubt about ningmengyao.

Who knows the most innocent person is the deepest one.

"I did all this just to compare myself with you. I want to tell you when we get married, but I didn't expect you to be so impatient." Ningmengyao laughs at herself for what she has done, and feels unworthy for her actions.

Ling Luo couldn't believe looking at Ning Mengyao. Her face was very stiff. What did she just say? She said that everything in tongbaozhai was for him?

Ha ha, sure enough, the truth is often cruel.

"Haha, I was wrong all the time, but I really regret Yao'er." Seeing that Ning Mengyao's face has changed, Ling Luo suddenly regrets why he put down their feelings for power.

Ning Mengyao looks at Ling Luo calmly: "it's too late to regret."

Ling Luo laughs at herself and lies on the ground without speaking.

Yes, as Yao'er said, it's too late to regret. It's all his own. No wonder.

Lingluo was kicked by Nanyu to become seriously injured. Now that she is willing to die, it is not very good. Seeing this kind of Lingluo, Ning Mengyao feels that her heart is still complicated. Why do they become this?

What was it that made all this? It's just that she doesn't want to investigate or ask questions now. These are too far away from her. Her focus now should be on her own husband and children.

Sigh: "clean up, as for Lingluo, send them to Xiao Qifeng."

Ling Luo's rebellion is doomed to a bad ending.