Ling Luo silently watched Ning Mengyao leave with peace and blessings on her face. Maybe it's OK. Seeing her well, he was relieved.

It's solved here. The palace is in a state of tension at the moment.

Several ministers have been killed, all of whom are wavering. As for Xiao Qifeng, none of them has happened.

This is probably the most comforting thing for Xiao Qifeng.

Qiao Tianchang sits in the corner and looks at Lingwu Marquis's arrogance. He has some impatience in his heart. It's not over.

"After such a long farce, isn't Nangong Prince going to come out?" Qiao Tianchang suddenly opens his mouth. Lingwu Hou subconsciously turns his head along the source of the voice, and sees Qiao Tianchang wearing a black hard suit, with his hair high and his face obviously impatient.

The most annoying person of lingwuhou is probably Qiao Tianchang: "does general Qiao think you are still a general now? It's just a prisoner. "

What Joe Tianchang didn't like most was that others said he was like this, so he slowly fought from the ground, completely without being poisoned.

"You How could you be ok? " Lingwuhou is really surprised that Qiao Tianchang can stand up.

"You don't believe that you are stupid. Don't you know there is a doctor in the general's mansion? If there is a miracle doctor, there will be antidotes. " Qiao Tianchang's mood seems to suddenly become very good. Look at the smiling face and know what's going on.

Lingwuhou's face changed. Qiao Tianchang is OK

Suddenly turning his head, he saw Xiao Qifeng stand up from the Dragon chair, and there was no sign of poisoning.

"Prince Nangong, do you need me to invite you out?" Qiao Tianchang looked at a servant with a small appearance beside lingwuhou and said with a sneer.

Yi Rong's Nangong Yue saw that it had been exposed and went out to escape.

However, Qiao Tianchang is not a vegetarian either. When nangongyue was near the gate, Qiao Tianchang was already in the way.

"Go away, Joe." Nangong Yue starts to fight. It's harmful to move and attack directly.

"I really admire your courage and give us all the excuses to send troops to lingguo. Maybe we need to thank you." Qiao Tianchang starts to fight with Nangong moon, smiling at the same time.

After nangongyue was trapped, he naturally thought of this possibility. He had been looking for a chance to leave. Who knew that he was discovered by Qiao Tianchang.

He didn't understand that Yi Rong's Mingming was very successful. How could he be discovered? It used to be ningmengyao, as well as Qiao Tianchang. Was he destined to lose in the hands of the couple?

Lingwuhou looked at the emperor's Wenchen and generals standing up. His face was pale, and he resented Qiao Tianchang more and more.

"Xiao Qifeng, do you think you have won? Delusion. " Said to take out the secret order from the hand, as well as a signal bomb.

When the crowd didn't respond, Lord Ling had already set off the signal, and then waited in place. As long as he still had the secret order in his hand, there would be no relationship, and he could win.

When Xiao Qitian heard Lingwu Hou's words and looked at the things in his hands, he felt that his face was distorted. Sure enough, this man was not here to rebel, was he here to be funny?

"Is it? We'll see. " Xiao Qifeng looked at Ling Wuhou with a smile. He didn't panic at all, as if he didn't worry about what would happen next.

In a few words, nangongyue has been defeated by Qiao Tianchang.

For a long time, Nangong Yue thought that his skill was better than Qiao Tianchang's, but now he found that the gap between him and Qiao Tianchang was not so big.

Qiao Tianchang tied his clothes and threw them on the ground: "did he play the signal just now?"

"Well, it should come soon." Xiao Qifeng squinted, his eyes full of expectation and excitement.

Sure enough, it didn't take long to hear the sound of horses' hooves, and then a man with full arms came in from outside. If ningmengyao assassin was here and saw the costumes of these people, she would be very surprised.

"I have seen the emperor."