The man kneeling on the ground, marquis Ling, knew each other very well, and even met each other several times, especially recently.

"What do you mean?" Before this person is called him as the master son, but now unexpectedly did not look at him, kneeling directly in front of Xiao Qifeng called the emperor.

Moreover, he was more sincere than when he called him. This different attitude made lingwuhou feel bad.

Xiao Qifeng looked at lingwuhou, who seemed to have been aware of it, and a smile from the corner of his mouth: "what do you mean? It means that he It's my man. "

"Impossible." Lingwu Hou's subconscious retort, this person was found by himself, how could it be Xiao Qifeng's person?

Moreover, the secret order is in their own hands, and these people only obey the orders of those who hold the secret order.

Xiao Qifeng has no relationship at all. How can these people have a relationship with Xiao Qifeng.

See Ling Wuhou don't believe it, Xiao Qifeng didn't say much: "take all the rebels down."


The visitor quickly went out, and then heard the scream from outside.

That voice is very familiar to Lingwu Hou. It's all his people.

The smell of blood slowly drifted into the room, and lingwuhou's face changed greatly, so the strong smell of blood could not be achieved by one or two people.

Turn around and come outside, see their people were killed, and still in a very bloody way.

It's probably those people who resisted and were treated like this.

Lingwu Hou took a deep breath and looked at those people who were covered with blood on the ground. His face was indescribable.

"Over It's all over. " Ling Wuhou looks at those people stupidly.

I have calculated for such a long time, but now it is destroyed in the hands of Xiao Qifeng.

Not reconciled, Lingwu Hou is not reconciled at all. Turning to look at Xiao Qifeng, he asked gloomily, "how did you do it?"

Xiao Qifeng raised his eyebrows and said with a smile: "have you never doubted whether the secret order in your hand is true or false?"

Lingwuhou's eyes opened slowly because of xiaoqifeng's words, and some of them asked inconceivably, "you say What? "

"The token in your hand is fake. It's really here." Said to take out a black look very common token.

"It's impossible. Yours is a fake. This piece in my hand was taken out by Xiao Zixuan from the Lord Xiao's mansion. How could it be a fake?" Lingwuhou still didn't believe it. What he thought was the talisman was fake.

Xiao Qifeng sneered: "I know that under the ambition of Lingwu Houfu, I will let you succeed? But I really want to thank you for helping me find this army. "

They just followed Ling Wuhou and found the army, but they were very relaxed.

"You Puff. " Lingwuhou was spit blood by Xiao Qifeng.

I never thought that I had made a wedding dress for them, but I didn't get anything at last.

Xiao Qifeng looked at Lingwu Hou's dead face and sneered at him from the corner of his mouth: "catch it. Three days later, all the people in Xiaowang's mansion in Lingwu Hou's mansion will be beheaded. Those who join Lingwu Hou in the court today will be beheaded within the three families. The three families are in an accident and will be sent to the bitter cold place."

Those ministers who took part in Ling Wuhou had been killed completely when they knew that his secret order was false. When they heard that they were going to be beheaded, they all fell to the ground.

"The emperor, spare your life."

For a while, there were more and more voices of begging for mercy in the hall. There were also fears and regrets in the voice of begging for mercy. If they knew that things would eventually turn out like this, they could not rely on Lingwu Hou. Now even Lingwu hou can't protect themselves, and how can they protect them.

"Drag it all down." Xiao Qifeng did not blink.

Those who are wavering in their minds are very lucky now, but they all know that even if they continue to be officials in the future, they will have no future.

For the emperor, a man who works as a skinhead in the rebellion is taboo at all. It's Xiao Qifeng's kindness that they can still live.