Just like those people think, all ministers in high positions were demoted and promoted by those who were loyal to Xiao Qifeng before.

In addition, there are many new faces coming in. When they kneel on the ground and Xiao Qifeng's satisfied expression is seen, they know that these posterity are probably the people Xiao Qifeng really likes.

Indeed, among these young people, Xiao Qifeng promoted many young heroes.

There are half of the demoted ones in the hall. In exchange, these Xiao Qifeng are not at all soft hearted.

Although I guessed something about what happened in the hall, everyone was cautious for a while.

Qiao Tianchang looks at Nangong Yue: "what are you going to do with him?"

"Can you still kill this palace?" Nangongyue, who had recovered his original appearance, looked at Qiao Tianchang with sarcasm.

Even if he took part in the rebellion of the state of Xiao, so what? Even if it's not up to these people to deal with it.

Qiao Tianchang came to nangongyue and crouched down. His eyes were mocking: "do you think we really don't know anything? How many of these ministers did you bribe? How many more people have been killed? " Among the ministers who depend on Lingwu Marquis, some are nangongyue.

Nangong yuemeng looks up at Qiao Tianchang, with a sense of killing in her eyes.

"And we didn't say that we must kill you. There is a saying that we should treat people in their own way."

Nangong month had a very bad premonition because of Qiao Tianchang's words: "what do you want to do?"

"Don't do anything. We can still control a person with insects."

Nangongyue thought of Qiao Tianchang's man from miaojiang. He had a panic on his face. He never wanted to touch things like insects and insects. Once they were touched, they would die.

Qiao Tianchang took out a blood red pill and put it into nangongyue's mouth despite nangongyue's resistance.

The pill will melt at the entrance. It's too late for nangongyue to spit it out.

"What did you give me to eat?" It's more frightening than insects.

"It's nothing. It was developed by Nanyu and Qingshuang. The poison and the insect are integrated together. If the insect is forced out, the poison will attack immediately. I don't know how you will die at that time." Say the words that make people's hair stand on end.


"Of course, you don't want to detoxify, because after detoxification, the insects will start to eat your internal organs, and then you will enjoy the feeling that life is not as good as death. Oh, by the way, I forgot to tell you, if you don't obey me, I don't know what the final result will be." Joe Tianchang said irresponsibly all day.

Xiao Qitian looks at Qiao Tianchang like that, and can't help but step back a few steps. Well, he has become a pervert after spending a long time with pervert. How can this kind of thing not be afraid at all?

Although Qiao Tianchang didn't speak, he still felt that if he really disobeyed Qiao Tianchang's meaning, the final result might be similar to poison hair, right?

"The emperor's next business is up to you. I have to go back to the general's mansion to have a look." He was a little worried about whether something would happen to the general's office.


Qiao Tianchang strides away. As for nangongyue, who is temporarily imprisoned in Xinggong, this man is still useful to them.

Qiao Tianchang hurried back and saw that the people in the capital had not been affected.

Just after entering the general's mansion, Qiao Tianchang asked about the strong smell of blood, which showed that there was indeed a battle in the general's mansion.

When Qiao Tianchang returned to the yard, he saw Ning Mengyao was basking in the sun in the yard, and there was nothing unusual about him, so he was relieved.

"Is Yaoyao OK?"

Ningmengyao gently shook her head: "I'm ok. Lingluo has been caught. I've already sent him to the palace."

Qiao Tianchang nodded: "well, that's good. Let's go back to Baishan village after Qi Tian gets married."