"No, I'll stay later. I'll leave if I have something to do." Ningmengyao thought that they would never leave in the future, but she thought that there were still many things to deal with, so she added.

Yang Zhi is satisfied: "then I am satisfied." The happy appearance made Joe say that the child would not want his mother if he had a sister.

And then said after this frown: "poor generation."

Ningmengyao listens to it, and immediately poops up a voice. Her name is Yang Yi's husband and wife's brother and sister-in-law, and their son's name is her elder sister. Isn't it true that they are poor?

"Zhier will call aunt later." Joe looked at his son doting.

Yang Zhi whispered, "but I still like to call it sister Mengyao."

Reaching out and touching his son's head, Yang explained gently: "Mengyao and his parents are of the same generation. If you call them elder sisters, they will be poor."

Yang Zhi heard it, and cried unwillingly in a low voice, "Auntie."

"That's lovely. I'm still me, whether I'm called sister or aunt." Seeing that Yang Zhi's mood was not very good, Ning Mengyao explained it with a chuckle.

When Yang Zhi heard this, he thought it was the same thing. No matter what his name was, it was the same person, and it was good for him.

Think about also want to understand: "aunt I know."

"That's lovely. Brother Yang and sister-in-law, let's go back first."

"Go back quickly, with a big stomach. It's very tiring." Josh hurried someone back.

Two people walk on the quiet road, Ning Mengyao listens to and changes the blunt cry coming from, the corner of the mouth slightly rises up, as expected return this one side of the world more suitable for her.

Qiao Tianchang stands behind and looks at Ning Mengyao. His eyes are full of tenderness and doting.

When they went back, mother Qin and her children also prepared food. Ning Mengyao had no choice but to watch them: "how can you prepare so many food for me, mother-in-law?"

"It's not that you must come back for dinner when you go out. Who would have thought you would come back after eating out?" It's all so late. I must have had dinner at someone else's house before I came back.

Ningmengyao was a little embarrassed, but they didn't come back to say, "do you want to drink some more soup?"

Mother Qin's Stewed soup tastes better than the imperial chef's, and Ning Mengyao likes to drink a little. Today, she didn't drink soup at the village head's house, so she took the bowl and filled some.


After sipping the soup in the bowl, Ning Mengyao went upstairs to wash and prepare for a rest.

The sad thing about no entertainment program is like this. It's dark, there's nothing to do, and then I have to go to sleep.

"Go to bed. Tomorrow we'll get up early and go shopping on the mountain. Haven't you been talking about it for a long time?" From knowing that she would come back, the girl said that she would go to the back mountain to play. Now she has a chance.

Ningmengyao a listen, that pair of eyes can not be bright?


"When did I deceive you?" Qiao Tianchang looks at Ning Mengyao funny.

Ning Mengyao shakes her head.

"Close your eyes and go to bed. If you don't want to sleep, I'll help you." Said Qiao Tianchang also vaguely bit Ning Mengyao's earlobe.

Ning Mengyao's face turned red and she was very embarrassed: "I I sleep. "

Looking at Ning Mengyao lying down flustered, his face is as good-looking as if he had dyed it.

Reach out and touch Ning Mengyao's stomach: "Alas, when can this child be born?" The voice called a grudge and pity, just like who bullied him.

"Listen to ningmengyao hold back spray laugh out:" you can enough

Qiao Tianchang takes a look at Ning Mengyao and says: "daughter in law..." That can lengthen the voice, let Ning Mengyao whole body shiver for a while, white in front of this and do not have the chastity man one eye: "you have enough, you are a big man."

"What about the big man? A big man can't be coquettish with his daughter-in-law? " Qiao Tianchang looks at Ning Mengyao with a straight face.

The latter is frightened: "you may as well say."

Qiao Tianchang looked at the big belly in depression, and calculated the time in his heart. He even wanted to be a monk for three months.

"Sleep." Qiao Tianchang lies on the bed and hugs people into his arms. He is not upset if he can't see them. He is not so sad if he can't see them.

I can't see it. It's enough.