Ning Mengyao saw Qiao Tianchang's childish appearance for the first time, and couldn't help laughing: "Qiao Tianchang, you really should let others see what you look like now."

"What does it look like?"

"Want to be dissatisfied." Aren't these four big words written on this face?

Joe Tianchang took a look at his daughter-in-law: "how many times have I touched you since you were pregnant? Can I not be dissatisfied? "

When there is no child, I come out to eat meat every day. Now I'm ok. I can hold, kiss and touch. I just can't eat. When will this kind of life be like.

Ningmengyao is a little shy and annoyed, but she thinks it's funny to see this man's unyielding appearance. Many adults still care about this.

Hand propped up the bed and leaned over to Joe Tianchang's face. They kissed each other on their lips: "is this enough?"

"Don't tease me, daughter-in-law." Qiao Tianchang is waiting for his daughter-in-law. At this time, they are still teasing themselves. Is this girl intentional?

Ning Mengyao looks at Qiao Tianchang doubtfully. She just wants to kiss her. How can she become a tease?

However, seeing his dark eyes and hoarse voice, it was immediately clear: "I sleep." Ningmengyao's face is also very embarrassed with a little embarrassment.

Joe Tianchang is greedy. How can his daughter-in-law do this?

She reached out and pinched her cheek as a punishment.

The next morning, Ning Mengyao got up early. He pushed the man around him: "I'm going to play in the back mountain."

Originally, Qiao Tianchang was already awake. He wanted to wait for her to sleep more. Who knows that the girl woke up so early today, and would tease herself when she got up.

Turn over and press the person under the body: "come to tease me again in the morning, still let me have a good life?"

Ning Mengyao looks at Qiao Tianchang and says she is very innocent.

"Come on." Qiao Tianchang turns over and gets out of bed, puts on his clothes, and brings them to Ning Mengyao.

Ningmengyao got up to wash and simply had breakfast. They went to the back mountain with their baskets twisted. Originally, Mrs. Qin didn't agree with her. Later, Qiao Tianchang convinced them. They said they would look at the foot of the mountain, but they didn't go up. That's reassuring.

Ningmengyao lowered her head gloomily: "mother-in-law Qin's management is so tight."

"You're seven months pregnant, don't you mind?" If it's not because Ning Mengyao really wants to come and have a look, he doesn't want to bring people here.

In case of something, he doesn't regret to die?

Ning Mengyao reached out and touched her nose: "you promised to take me."

"Well, isn't it gone?" Joe shook his head funny.

Hearing that Joe Tianchang didn't mean to let himself go back, he was relieved. Well, as long as he didn't let himself go back, he could do anything.

Qiao Tianchang supports Ning Mengyao all the way, and those overgrown places are first cleared by Qiao Tianchang.

There is a small stream at the foot of Houshan mountain. It's beautiful there. Qiao Tianchang takes her there.

Ningmengyao didn't plan to go to the mountain for a walk before she was happy, so she wasn't so angry. She started walking by the stream.

But soon she found something in the stream, the snail.

"Tianchang, will you fish for me Ning Mengyao looks at Qiao Tianchang, and the small appearance makes Qiao Tianchang have to nod his head.

I fished a basket for Ning Mengyao. I can't help but continue if it's not because the basket can't be loaded. This makes Qiao Tianchang laugh.

"That's how you like it?"


"Anything can be delicious to you." Qiao Tianchang cried and laughed, "but you can only teach grandma Qin."

"No problem."

After a long time in the back of the mountain, Qiao Tianchang weaves a beautiful corolla for Ning Mengyao with the wild flowers beside the stream. They wear it on her head before leaving.

He reached out and touched the corolla on his head: "I'm a mother. It's strange to wear a corolla."

"What's so strange? It's beautiful. " Qiao Tianchang looks at Ning Mengyao's awkward appearance, and can't help laughing. She looks really beautiful.