At this time, Roche was really flustered. She didn't know what she had done wrong and then she became like this. They even had to drive her out of the village.

Because of the scandal she did at that time, she was still in prison. Her family had already separated from themselves. Now if she was driven out, there would be no way.

Thinking of this, Roche deeply regrets why she came to make trouble today. If she didn't, she would still have a place to rest.

Now it's good. She doesn't even have a place to live.

Thinking of this, Roche knew the real fear: "I really know it's wrong, you Don't drive me away. I won't do such a thing again. Please. "

Looking at Roche's way of begging for mercy, some people can't bear it, but what she did is really too much.

If it wasn't for Qiao Tianchang's following, Ning Mengyao was pushed by Roche, something would happen. At that time, Qiao Tianchang, who didn't know that his beloved wife would be crazy.

It's easy to say that Roche is unlucky alone. I'm afraid that Joe Tianchang will be angry with them and let them take away all the good days.

The people present are not idiots. They sympathize with Roche. Yes, but there is a limit. When it comes to their own interests, everything must stand by the side. No one can match them.

Seeing no one to talk, Luo's heart immediately panicked. She also understood that now everyone is making money by the workshop of ningmengyao's family. Naturally, they will not offend ningmengyao and his wife for her.

Finally, Yang Yi said, "take them to see the clan elders and my father, and then what to do with them."


Qiao Tianchang looked at the people. Without speaking, he watched them take Roche to the village.

After thinking about it, Joe Tianchang also plans to go to have a look. After all, it has something to do with them.

Yang Zhu looked at his son and Luo's coming with the villagers, and wondered, "what are you doing? What's the matter with so many people coming with this one? "

"Dad is like this. Before Mengyao and their family came to the village, Luo pushed Mengyao. If Tianchang was not around, something might happen to people. Tianchang broke her hand. It seemed that her hand couldn't be cured. She ran to Tianchang's door and made a scene. That means that Tianchang wanted them to pay for the money." Yang Yi simply told the story.

Yang Zhu's eyebrows wrinkled up, looking at Roche very displeased: "Roche this can be true?"

Luo shuddered and could not say it, but in this way, Yang Zhu also understood that she had made it herself.

"Let's see what to do." Yang Zhu really doesn't want to take care of such a rotten thing in Luo's family. "I know it's wrong, village head. Don't drive me out of the village." Roche quickly prayed: "my hand is no longer good now, this is also punishment, just don't drive me out."

Roche is really flustered this time. She can't leave here. Where else can she go if she breaks one hand?

Yang Zhu frowned at Roche, saw Qiao Tianchang in the crowd, and then said, "Tianchang, what do you think?"

"As long as she is away from Yao Yao, it's OK." Qiao Tianchang said lightly.

He doesn't care whether Roche is expelled or not. He should be good for his children.

When Roche heard this, Lian ona thanked him: "thank you, thank you."

Yang Zhu took a look at Roche and said in a cold voice, "Roche will not pursue Tianchang today, but we will remember that if we do anything to damage the village, I will not be blamed for my impoliteness."

Roche smiled bitterly, but nodded: "I know, village head, I will not."

Yang Zhu nodded with satisfaction: "it's almost the same. Well, let's go back. It's late now."

They all left. When Qiao Tianchang and Yang Zhu were left, Qiao Tianchang looked down at Roche and said, "take care of yourself."