When Joe Tianchang came, Roche thought that he must be finished. Who knows that he just said that and then turned away.

Roche with nothing which hand to support their own body up, stumbled home.

Seeing Roche's appearance, Yang Zhu shook his head gently: "why is this necessary?"

Yang Yi nodded, "yes."

A good day, however, has to be a struggle. Isn't it a sin to find yourself?

When Roche came back home, he saw that many things in the house were gone, and there was a paper of rest on the table.

Seeing the divorce certificate, Roche's tears fell down. Why did they become like this? My daughter is gone. Do you want a man now?

She hated it, but there was no way. She turned back to her room and took out the crockery she had hidden. There were still several liang of silver in it. All these were saved over the years. Her man didn't know it at all.

She also has the title deed.

Looking at two pieces of paper, Roche sneers at him. Doesn't he want a house and a field?

In that case, she is not polite.

Roche took the title deed and the title deed and went to Yang Zhu's house again, and transferred the names of the two things to her name.

At the beginning, Yang Zhu didn't want to do it, but when he saw that he didn't speak after the divorce, he helped Roche to do it.

Qiao Tianchang reached out to touch Ning Mengyao's stomach, and a faint smile came up from the corner of his mouth: "don't think so much, you can take good care of your body now."

"I know that man is a poor man, too." Although that said, she didn't want Qingshuang to help Roche connect her arms.

Qiao Tianchang reached out and touched Ning Mengyao's head: "poor man, there must be something hateful."

Ningmengyao was stunned, and then she smiled. As Qiao Tianchang said, the poor man must be hateful. This is what Roche found.

Their tacit understanding didn't say this again, but said some more interesting things in the village.

On this day, Xiao Qitian's people came and said that they would pick up some children.

It was at this time that Ning Mengyao remembered that their store seemed to be about to open, so she asked someone to bring Yang Zhi's children.

"I want you to help sister Mengyao introduce toys to others. Would you like to go?"

"Yes." Before the other children spoke, Yang Zhi spoke first, followed by Lin er's children.

Their answers were expected by Ning Mengyao and satisfied her very much. These children did not disappoint him.

Reach out and touch their heads: "well, go home and talk to mom and Dad, and leave the day after tomorrow."


Their parents have come to say that they are willing to let them go, no matter whether there is money or not, as long as they can help. After all, Ning Mengyao helps them a lot.

Sure enough, as soon as the children went back to tell their families, they didn't say anything, so they began to pack and use the clothes for several children.

In the morning of the third day, the adults of several families put off going to work and sent their children to the village entrance.

I was relieved to see that it was picked up by three carriages.

Xiao Qitian stepped out of the first carriage and went to look at the elders of several families. "Don't worry, everyone. I will take care of several children."

"Thank you, young man." Everyone nodded with satisfaction and said with a happy smile.

Xiao Qitian nodded to Ning Mengyao and Qiao Tianchang, and watched several children get on the carriage before getting on.

Ningmengyao looked at the elders of several families at the crossroads and couldn't help laughing: "you can rest assured, uncles, they will come back in one month at most."

"We know that it's still a little uneasy for the children to go out for the first time."


"It's OK to have Xiao Qi's day care." Ningmengyao still believed xiaoqitian very much, so she explained with a smile.

As soon as they thought about it, they were taken care of. They didn't have to worry about it, so they turned back to work in the workshop.

When Ning Mengyao and Qiao Tianchang went back, they met Roche on the way. She went back with a basket of vegetables. When she saw them, she was a little confused. Then she left quickly, as if someone was chasing after her.