Ningmengyao turns around and looks at Roche like that. She can't help saying, "let Qingshuang cure her hand."

Qiao Tianchang naturally won't contradict Ning Mengyao's words, so he nodded and agreed: "you are happy."

Ningmengyao walks beside Qiao Tianchang, walks back slowly on her face, and tells Qingshuang to go to Roche and cure her.

Qingshuang didn't like it, but she went.

Looking at the green frost coming in, Roche was afraid: "you What are you doing here? "

Qingshuang didn't speak, but went to Roche's side, reached out and held her arm, touched it, and then made a strong effort to connect the bone that couldn't be connected back. Ignoring the scream in her ear, Qingshuang fixed her hand with a board.

"It's medicine, three times a day, for half a month." No matter what Roche's expression is, he turns around and leaves.

Roche stared at the back of Qingshuang's departure, regardless of the pain on his arm, and his eyes were filled with tears.

She always thought that Ning Mengyao and others must hate to die, but now they are willing to treat themselves, and she has some villain's heart instead.

Looking down at his arm, Roche was very sorry. Why did he do those things?

If before Roche just to survive in the bow, then this time she is really, really know regret.

"The young lady is ready, and she will be fine." Qingshuang said without expression.

She doesn't understand. Why does miss want to treat that woman's injury? Isn't it good for her to be like this all the time?

Ning Mengyao smiles and shakes her head: "get angry again?"

"How dare you? I can disobey the decision made by the young lady." Qingshuang murmurs discontentedly, which is obviously complaining.

Ningmengyao smiled at Qingshuang and said, "just give me a lesson. Now she probably knows that she has made a mistake. Since she really knows that she has made a mistake, it's not bad to give someone a chance to make a change."

Roche is just a helpless poor peasant woman now, not those snake and scorpion women in the capital, so she would like to see Roche like that and ask Qingshuang to help Roche heal the wound.

Qingshuang still doesn't understand: "but what can she do, miss?"

"If she doesn't cherish this opportunity and do something disgusting, what should she do in the end?" But judging from Roche's performance, she should not do anything more.

Qingshuang is satisfied after hearing this. It's OK that the woman doesn't do anything. If she does anything bad again, don't blame her for being rude.

Ningmengyao looks at Qingshuang like this, but shakes her head: "you ah."

"Yao Yao, when did you come back? Don't tell me when you come back. " Ningmengyao just sat down in the garden and read a book. Outside, a man came running in. After coming in, he said a lot.

Ning Mengyao turned to look at the man standing beside him, panting: "what are you in a hurry? I won't run away. " It seems that the girl must have come straight after she knew she was back.

"I'm still thinking about when to visit you in the capital. Who knows if I'll come back today? My mother said you've been back for several days, and I'll come right away." Said Yang Lele with a smile.

Ning Mengyao smiled at Yang Lele and said, "sit down and have a rest." He poured a cup of tea for Yang Lele.

Yang Lele took a sip of the cup and looked at the garden. He said, "you are a beautiful Chuang Tzu."

"Isn't your family very well now?" Now Yang Lele's family is the only one in their family.

Yang Lele laughed: "I just feel that the house at home is good but still needs to be rebuilt. I will discuss with my parents and push for reconstruction." He also made a study for his nephew. He was not too happy.

Ning Mengyao listens to Yang Lele. Qiao Tianchang doesn't interfere in the affairs between the two women and gets up and goes to the workshop.

After knowing Yang Lele's recent affairs, Ning Mengyao looked at Yang Lele and said seriously, "Lei An is here."