Yang Lele was stunned and confused: "did he say What are you doing here? "

"I said that after the war ended, he came back quickly, saying that he was afraid that someone would be married when he came back, and then he would lose a lot. He has been in the workshop these days." Ning Mengyao looks at Yang Lele jokingly, and is embarrassed to see Yang Lele.

"Yao Yao I I don't mean that. " Yang Lele blushed, but he was very happy.

"Well, I don't know you? In fact, lei'an is also very good. You are also old. It's better to get married. They worry about Aunt Yang of the province. " When she just came back, didn't Yang's worry about Yang Lele? In fact, it's because of what those people outside say.

Yang also knew that they were jealous, but they were still dissatisfied.

Yang Lele nodded: "I know that every time I come back, my mother will ask me when to get married and sometimes I don't want to come back." She has Ryan in her heart, so naturally she won't marry others casually, so she can't accept it.

He reached out and patted Yang Lele on the shoulder: "now it's OK, it can be settled."

"Here It's no use agreeing. " Yang Lele said shyly.

In the workshop, Qiao Tianchang finds Lei An and says lightly, "Yang Lele is back."

Ryan, who is helping, loosens the wood in his hand: "boss, are you serious?"

"Fuck, I said Ryan. Can you say it? Hit my foot. " Another man, covering his feet, said gloomily.

Qiao Tianchang's eyelids jumped and looked at Lei An: "talking to Yao Yao, if you are serious about her, talk to her, and then go to find uncle Yang and them."

"Don't worry, boss. I'll go now." Then he ran away.

"Ryan, you are a man of the opposite sex and inhuman." "The person who was hit by the foot," roared the angry voice.

This man and Lei An used to be comrades in arms. Later, they went home because their hands were hurt. Their life at home has not been very good. Although their parents and daughters-in-law are good, they can't give them a good life. They feel guilty.

Now, the family is very happy here. Even parents find their own things to do.

"Well, I'll get it for you." Qiao Tianchang shakes his head helplessly. As soon as he uses his strength, that piece of wood will be carried.

The man touched his nose, laughed and followed Joe Tianchang.

When Lei An hurried back, Yang Lele was still chatting with Ning Mengyao. He went over and said, "sister in law Lele, I've taken it." Before Yang Lele could speak, he dragged people away.

Ningmengyao Leng did not return to God, and others have left, this just reflected: "this Lei An."

Lei An drags Yang Lele to the foot of Houshan mountain. He looks at Yang Lele carefully: "Lele, marry me. I will treat you as well as the eldest brother does to his sister-in-law."

Yang Lele looks at Lei An, a little embarrassed, but still nods: "OK."

"Really? You agreed? "

"Well, I don't know if my father and mother say no to me." Yang Lele said innocently.

"This is for me. Go to talk with my sister-in-law. I'll go to Uncle Yang and aunt Yang." Then he ran away again.

Looking at the man running like the wind, Yang Lele said that he was speechless.

Ning Mengyao looks at Yang Lele, who comes back alone in a short time, with a strange expression: "Why are you coming back alone? Where's Ryan? "

"He went to my parents." Yang Lele said dryly.

Ning Mengyao laughs when she hears it. Ryan can't stand it for a moment.

After Lei an arrived at Yang Lele's house, he was a little embarrassed.

"Ryan, why don't you come in? What are you doing standing outside? " Yang Zhu sees Lei An wandering at the door.

Ryan reached for his nose and went in a little embarrassed.

"Uncle and aunt, I have something to tell you today." Ryan thought and said.

"You said."

"Uncle, I like Lele. I hope you will agree with him to marry me."

After Lei An finished speaking, his heart came to him, for fear that Yang Zhu would not agree with him.