Although there is Ning Mengyao's comfort, Qiao Tianchang's heart is still blocked. He feels that these people come to rob his son from him, which is called a suffocation.

And he can't show dissatisfaction with Nangong Yan. It's his father-in-law, anyway. What can he say?

Ning Mengyao looked at Qiao Tianchang like this, and couldn't help being laughed at. No matter what he looked like, he thought it was funny: "you look like this, how do people who don't know think my father bullied you?"

"I don't have enough baby, son." Qiao Tianchang mutters discontentedly.

Ning Mengyao can't help her forehead. She looks at her son in her arms, but pinches his son's face: "look at your father, little monkey, because you have become a hater."

The child is pinching his face. He is not comfortable. His mouth is flat. Don't mention how aggrieved he is. Qiao Tianchang's heart aches.

Ning Mengyao looks at Qiao Tianchang's heartache without words. Why does she have the identity of two people changed?

"Tianchang, will you spoil our son in the future?" Ning Mengyao looks at Qiao Tianchang suspiciously. It's possible that he looks like this now.

However, Joe Tianchang shook his head seriously: "definitely not. Don't worry." He knew in his heart that it was right for his son to be spoiled, but the place to be educated should be educated. It's not good for him to save money and find a second ancestor.

"That's about it." Ning Mengyao is relieved. She is afraid that her man will spoil her son and turn him into a dandy. Then she will have no place to cry.

Qiao Tianchang reaches out his hand and points out Ning Mengyao's forehead: "you think I really don't know anything, do you?"

Ning Mengyao shook his head: "actually I still doubt you very much. Do you know why?"


"It's hard for me to imagine that you can be tough on your children just as you are now a child slave." That's true for Ning Mengyao.

Just like Joe Tianchang, I can't imagine whether he can really firm his heart to the children.

Qiao Tianchang took a look at Ning Mengyao, and knew that he really had some treasure for his children: "now he is still young, and naturally he needs to be protected. He can't grow up." Qiao Tianchang shakes his head gently, and tells Ning Mengyao what he thinks.

Ning Mengyao nodded, "I'll be relieved if you think so."

They talked in the room for a long time, but the people outside were not happy.

Nangong Yan waited left and right, but he didn't wait for Qiao Tianchang to hold the baby out, so he was worried and went to Ning Mengyao's house to knock at the door of yuezi's house: "did Yao's baby sleep?"

Qiao Tianchang took a look. The sweet sleeping son went to the door and opened it. "Father in law and children are sleeping."

Nangong Yan is a little disappointed, but also know that children can grow up more sleep: "then I also go to rest."


Qiao Tianchang waits for nangongyan to have a rest. Then he closes the door and turns to enter the room. He sits beside the bed and chats with Ning Mengyao in a low voice.

"Would you like to take a nap, too?" Although he took his children in the evening, Ning Mengyao's sleep became lighter somehow. When he got up, Ning Mengyao would open his eyes and make Ning Mengyao not sleep well.

Ning Mengyao thought and nodded, "I'll sleep, you look at him."

"Don't worry about me. Sleep in peace." Qiao Tianchang patted Ning Mengyao on the shoulder to let her sleep peacefully.

At the bedside, when Ning Mengyao closed her eyes and fell asleep, Qiao Tianchang thought about whether he should make a small bed for his son, and put the child in it at night. As soon as he had any movement, he would wake Ning Mengyao up.

Thinking about Qiao Tianchang's carefully going out, he said a few words to Qingxue, and asked her to come in and have a look at it later. The saved child was covered by the quilt.

After giving orders, Joe Tianchang went to the workshop to get a crib.

So when Ning Mengyao woke up, there was already an extra crib and a lot of small toys in the room, which made Ning Mengyao a little confused.

"Tianchang, you are..."

"Oh this, I think you can't sleep well at night, so I made a small bed. At night, put the child on the small bed, and then sleep next to you in the daytime."