Ning Mengyao watched Qiao Tianchang busy, warm in her heart.

After giving birth to a child, Qiao Tianchang is taking the child at night. As soon as the child cries, he can wake up immediately, and then carefully get up to change the diaper for the child, etc., but she will also wake up because of this, which is probably the case.

"No, it's normal to have children." Ningmengyao said with a smile, children are the sweet burden of parents. I don't know when I have no children. I can understand when I have children. There is nothing like having a child.

Joe Tianchang shook his head: "you haven't slept well for more than half a month. In the daytime, someone comes to talk with you and has less time to sleep. How can you go down like this?" Qiao Tianchang said heartily.

"You get up more at night." If she can't stand it, isn't Joe Tianchang the one who starts crying every night even more?

"I'm fine." Joe Tianchang has been used to it since he was a child. Especially after he went to the barracks, it's likely that someone would come to attack him in the middle of the night. Even if no one is there, there might be wild animals. It's also the most basic thing to keep alert.

Even after arriving at Baishan village, his problem has not changed. He will open his eyes whenever there is any disturbance in the evening.

These things have gradually changed since we got married with Ning Mengyao. It's safer to sleep with her.

Now with children, the old vigilance is back. With a little voice, he can wake up.

Ning Mengyao looks at Qiao Tianchang. He is probably the best father. Even those modern fathers can't match him, right? And a great husband.

"Tianchang, I feel like I've picked up the baby." Ning Mengyao said with a smile.

Qiao Tianchang is not angry, but laughs and says: "then you must hide well, but don't be stolen."

Ningmengyao nodded solemnly: "who dares to rob me? Who am I to let go of?"

Qiao Tianchang couldn't help but be happy. He left the matter in his hand and went to Ning Mengyao's side. He kissed her red lips and said, "I like to hear that."

"Oh, you can kiss me if I stink?" Ningmengyao is a little disgusted with herself.

For half a month, she couldn't wash her hair or take a bath. At last, Qiao Tianchang was willing to let her wipe her hair with water every night, otherwise, according to mother-in-law Qin, she couldn't touch the water.

Joe Tianchang tiger with a face, unhappy said: "who said? I don't think so. "

The taste of ningmengyao is all milk flavor. How can it have that kind of difficult taste when it's the same as that of her son? It's all her own feeling.

Looking at Qiao Tianchang sadly, Ning Mengyao said gloomily, "only you and your son don't dislike me." Or she's like this She could not make complaints about it.

"Darling, it's nearly twenty days now. We can take a bath when the moon is full. Let's bear it for your health?" Qiao Tianchang said such things almost every day.

The reason is that Ning Mengyao is a very clean person. Even in winter, she has to take a bath. Now, if she doesn't take a bath or shampoo for a month, it will kill her?

So every day coax, coax, coax people, who knows today came out so.

Ning Mengyao looks at Qiao Tianchang plaintively, and the look is a grievance. Qiao Tianchang wants to promise Ning Mengyao.

"Do you think this quilt for children is suitable for making a bed at night?" Joe was quick to change the subject.

Ning Mengyao was disappointed when she saw that her goal had not been achieved, but she still looked at the quilt in Qiao Tianchang's hand: "this one is still a little thin. There is a small blanket in the cabinet, please take it out together."

Qiao Tianchang nodded, went to the wardrobe and opened it. He took out a red blanket and put it on the bed.

After all, Qiao Tianchang thought that there seemed to be some toys that hadn't been finished, and then he put the toys in place. After trying, he found that there was nothing wrong with the toys, so he was relieved.