Two people who once had such good feelings have become what they are now. Why does she get such feelings? So he has been resisting, always thinking that it must be fake, so he has been lukewarm to the wind.

"Elder sister, I know that you are because of your uncle and aunt. But have you ever thought that you are really unfair to your brother-in-law, and that people like your uncle can compare with your brother-in-law?" Although Yufeng said that people are a bit careless, but he didn't care. He has been married to Merlin for ten years, which has never changed as before.

Mei Ruolin looked at Ning Mengyao in a trance: "I know he is different."

"If so, why do you treat your brother-in-law like that? Sister Mei, don't you try to open your heart to my brother-in-law? " Ning Mengyao doesn't understand Mei Ruolin. Since she knows that her brother-in-law is different and kind to her, she still treats her brother-in-law like this. Ten years is like a day. Isn't such a wait enough? All of a sudden, Ning Mengyao is not worth defending the wind.

Yufeng is standing at the door. He originally wanted to ask meiruolin to go out to eat fruit. She likes fruit. Who knows when she comes to the door, she hears two people talking inside.

Ning Mengyao seems to feel something. She suddenly looks at Mei Ruolin and asks seriously, "I'll ask you directly, sister, do you like my brother-in-law or not? What do you think in your heart? If you don't like him, just tell him clearly, and then close and leave. "

The windward body outside suddenly becomes stiff, hands clenched into fists, lips tightly pursed.

In the room, Mei Ruolin couldn't believe looking at Ning Mengyao: "you want me to leave with him?"

"Sister, don't you feel cruel to your brother-in-law now? Someone else's death penalty is also a knife, but what about you to your brother-in-law? For ten years, you have been lukewarm to your brother-in-law. Even if your heart is made of stone, it's time to cover up the heat, right? " Ning Mengyao said angrily.

When meiruolin didn't speak, he said again: "brother in law knows that you don't like the women hanging around him, so he changes all the people around him into bodyguards or sisters, or the old woman and son, who are also clean outside. He never touches the places where people go, and keeps a distance with other women outside, just in case you are a little unhappy, In order to attract your attention, a big man's coquetry and cute are all used, but what about you? "

Mei Ruolin looks at Ning Mengyao stupidly and thinks about her attitude towards Yu Feng in the past ten years, as if It seems to be too much.

"Yao'er, I......"

"Sister, I just want to know whether you love my brother-in-law or not. If you don't love me, I'll tell him clearly." Ning Mengyao ignored Mei Ruolin's pale face and asked earnestly.

The answer is also what the wind outside wants to know.

Meiruolin opened her mouth and finally found that she couldn't say anything.

"Yao'er, I don't want to leave him. When I hear you say let me leave with him, my heart hurts. I don't know if it's love, but I know I want to be with him." Meiruolin didn't deceive herself any more. Ten years later, she was not that kind of stone hearted woman, just because of these years, she was a little depressed and didn't trust her feelings.

But when she saw that Ning Mengyao and Qiao Tianchang were getting along, she found that they also had real feelings. At least Yufeng was very good to her. She could do whatever she wanted, and the disliked Yufeng would not force her.

Now think about it, it's really her who is sorry for the wind.

Ning Mengyao looks at Mei Ruolin with a headache: "sister Mei opens her heart to accept her brother-in-law's feelings. No matter how much you love her, you will lose and be sad if you don't get a response for a long time. Brother-in-law just hides the loss and sadness in his heart with his appearance."

They all know this, but Mei Ruolin doesn't know it. He thinks Yufeng is such a person. Whether Gao is happy or not, it's the expression.

The wind outside quietly turned away.

Ningmengyao realized that the people outside had gone, frowned slightly, and looked at Mei Ruolin. Maybe this time it was also an opportunity.

Meiruolin was silent for a long time and then nodded, "I know."