Yufeng left the ningmengyao family with flying skills. He knew that meiruolin didn't believe in love and knew that she had pimples in her heart, so he always contained her. He thought that one day she would know her own good and accept herself wholeheartedly.

But this wait is ten years.

When he knew that ningmengyao was pregnant, he also thought about when he could have a child. At that time, he also asked tentatively, but after that time, meiruolin didn't pay attention to him for a while, and he didn't say it again.

It is to swallow all these into the stomach, say nothing, and wait so quietly.

But today, hearing the conversation between her and Ning Mengyao, he found that he really didn't look like himself these years.

As Ning Mengyao said, he is coquettish and cute, in fact, to attract Mei Ruolin's attention, but no matter what he does, she is not cold or hot, even when she is in bed, she is a little cold.

In the past ten years, he didn't want to let go of the past, but he thought that he had been waiting for so many years and didn't care about that time.

But, a year, a year has passed, he still can't wait.

Coming to the place hundreds of miles away from Baishan village, Yu Feng shouted: "ah..."

So many years of depression seems to want to break out at this moment.

God knows how he felt when he saw Joe Tianchang's son. He likes children. He really likes them.

At the time of marriage, he thought, in the future, we must have several more children, two or three sons, and then a daughter, so that the son can protect her.

But for ten years, he watched the little girl they were protecting become a mother, but he wanted no children, even she didn't want to have children.

He can accept this, but why is she so cruel to him?

Yu Feng stood by the river and looked at the fast water. He jumped in like a wooden stake, letting the fast water wash his body.

But Mei Ruolin didn't see Yufeng when he left ningmengyao's room and went back to his room. At first, he thought that Yufeng had gone to the workshop, but he didn't care. He stayed alone in the room and thought about what ningmengyao said.

But until evening, Yufeng had not come back, and Merlin was a little flustered.

"Tianchang, have you seen the wind?" Meiruolin asked in some panic.

Qiao Tianchang looked at Mei Ruolin doubtfully and said, "in the afternoon, he stood at the door of our room for a while, and then said he would go out and leave."

Meiruolin's face turned white. There was only one thought in his mind. Did he hear it?

Where will he go before he comes back?

"I went out to look for him." After that, no matter what expression they had, they left directly.

Qiao Tianchang looks at Mei Ruolin's trance and trance, which is strange.

After thinking about it, I went back to my room: "Yaoyao, Yufeng hasn't come back in the afternoon. Meiruolin has gone out to find it."

"I know." Ningmengyao sighed, hoping that this time she could recognize her heart.


"They can only solve it by themselves, and we can't help." Ning Mengyao tells Qiao Tianchang about the ten-year long-distance relationship between them, and finally says helplessly.

Qiao Tianchang nodded and understood: "if I am Yu Feng, I probably need to be quiet. After all, I have been guarding for ten years. But I don't think Mei Ruolin has no feelings for Yu Feng. After Yu Feng left, her face is white, which makes people worried."

"Let people follow." Ning Mengyao thought about it and worried about it.

"I let Qingxuan go."

"That's good. Go to dinner."

Qiao Tianchang nodded. Seeing Ning Mengyao like this, he was probably not in high mood: "I'll come to accompany you later, don't think so much."

"I know."

However, Mei Ruolin didn't go out for a long time, and Yufeng came back. Her face was cold, and she was still in a bit of a mess. Her clothes were wrinkled. It seemed like she hadn't changed for a long time.

Qiao Tianchang frowned and looked at Yu Feng: "didn't you meet Mei Ruolin?"