Yu Feng stares at Mei Ruolin fiercely: "it's right to know the pain. If it doesn't hurt, you don't know what the danger is." Although the words are cruel, but the hand can not help but adjust a posture, try to avoid touching her body wound.

Qiao Tianchang over there carries Qingxuan on his back. In order to protect meiruolin, Qingxuan suffers from serious injuries. He has passed out.

Nangong Yan looks at the two people's helpless shaking their heads, especially to Yufeng: "Yufeng is enough if she is still by your side. Is there anything worse than living but not seeing it?"

He has been separated from yar'er for nearly 20 years. Now they have grandchildren, but he has not found anyone.

Yu Feng looks at Nangong Yan and doesn't speak.

"Young man, this is my experience. I have been separated from my wife for twenty years. I haven't seen one face in twenty years. You love each other and are together. Isn't it better than anything? People should know how to be satisfied. "

Yu Feng looks at Nangong Yan in a dazed way, then looks down at the little woman in her arms, looking at her in a state of embarrassment and pity.

Yes, they are still together at least. They are not separated from their wives like Nangong Yan. Also, he cannot force too much.

"I see. Thank you, uncle."

"Think about it, young man. There's no problem. This young man is very good." This is obviously for Merlin.

Mei Ruolin was stunned, then nodded, "I know."

When she knew that Yufeng had left, she understood her innermost thoughts, and then she put her energy into this war. She also fully understood that, as Yao er said, what's the matter with her heart open to accept him? Is it so hard to accept?

After the same, Mei Ruolin's face with a little smile, to see her like this, Yu Feng is relieved.

Seeing several people go back, meiruolin and Qingxuan are seriously injured, and people in Chuang Tzu are shocked.

"Give it to Qingxuan first." When Qingshuang walked towards meiruolin, the wind suddenly spoke.

Qingshuang is suffering from some skin injuries. It's OK later, but Qingxuan is seriously injured. One hand was probably half bitten when blocking the wolf. The bones are all outside. It's scary.

Qingshuang nodded and asked Qiao Tianchang to put people in the room. Then he looked at Yufeng: "Yufeng young master, please help Miss Mei clean the wound. Here is the medicine."


Yufeng takes people back to their room. Qiao Tianchang takes a bath and changes his clothes. CIA goes to find Ning Mengyao in the room.

"How is it? Is it all right? " Ning Mengyao looks at Qiao Tianchang worried.

Qiao Tianchang shook his head: "if you go late, Qingxuan may be gone. There are many big and small wounds on his body, and Merlin is also injured, but they are all skin injuries."

Although their martial arts are good, they can't defeat four hands with two fists, let alone dozens of wolves.

"What's the matter?" Ningmengyao frowned, how so serious.

"I met dozens of wolves, and two tigers. The tigers were still at the same time. They didn't do anything." Qiao Tianchang sat on the edge and said to Ning Mengyao.

Ning Mengyao said nothing: "sister Mei has gone to the mountains?"

"Well, there are so many places. Why did she run there at night?" Qiao Tianchang reached out his hand and rubbed his brow and heart. He should be careful even if he is carrying bows, arrows and weapons in the deep mountain at night, let alone Mei Ruolin.

Fortunately, those wild animals are only active in the deep mountains and rarely come out. Otherwise, they will be really confused.

Ningmengyao helplessly said: "in the past, as long as my brother-in-law was in a bad mood, he would forget to run in the mountains and forests, run to hunt, and come back with a trip." This time, I'm afraid meiruolin also felt that Yufeng had gone there, so he would have gone there.

Qiao Tianchang is helpless: "forget it, are you hungry? I'll make you something to eat. "

"I'm not hungry. Just now mother-in-law Qin gave me some food. I'm still full. Don't worry about me." Ning Mengyao shook her head, saying that she was not hungry: "but are you hungry?"

"A little."

"Then go to eat quickly. My mother-in-law has left it for you."

When Qiao Tianchang was about to go to dinner, his son suddenly woke up with a groan and then flattened his mouth.